Navisa and Neha snorted, breaking into laughter.

"Arrogant asshole," Neha questioned.

"I don't believe it," Navisa chuckled.

"Well believe it because that's what he is," Madhu said, as a matter of fact.

"Is that so?"

All 3 paused for a second, their eyes widening with shock, then looked up to see RK, who was looking at Madhu.

"Shit, you're done for," Neha squealed, and Navisa lightly slapped her hand.

Madhu crossed her arms, looking at RK with her head tilted. RK mimicked her, mirroring the same pose.

"I appreciate the concern you have for me, but RK knows how to handle the press very well," he smirked lightly, looking sure of himself. "Besides, the press wouldn't have any news if there was no RK because RK is the news."

Madhu let out a scoff, his arrogance irking her.

RK simply smirked at her with a wink, then walked away, heading to his chair. While Madhu glared at his back, both Navisa and Neha gaped like fishes out of water.

"Madhu h-how... how are you still here," Neha said.

"I thought you were a goner," Navisa said.

The two looked at her but Madhu only looked at RK.

"What- I mean what even was that?"

"Nothing," Madhu said. "Just him being the prick that he is."

"He's fired people for less, though," Neha squealed. "But instead with you... he was just entertained?"

RK glanced up from his script and looked at Madhu.

"What's the deal Madhu," Navisa asked.

"There is none," Madhu said, still looking at him. "Nothing at all."

But Navisa and Neha refused to believe her. After all, like Neha had said, RK had fired people for much less, not to mention ruined peoples' lives for much less. Yet here she was - Madhubala Shamsher Malik - who had called RK the Superstar an arrogant asshole pretty much to his face... and all he did was smirk at her? And he even winked at her?

The two looked at Madhu, and seeing that she was looking elsewhere, they followed her line of sight to look at RK, who was also looking back at her.

Neha leaned down to Navisa. "Something has to be up, right," she muttered loud enough for only them to hear.

But Navisa didn't answer, watching as the smirk on RK's face grew. She glanced up at Madhu, seeing her look irritated as she looked away to the side, squeezing onto the makeup brush she had been holding, once more. When her eyes trailed back to RK, so did Navisa's, and she caught him winking at Madhu again.

"I'll be right back, I need water," Madhu said, and she left.

Navisa glanced back at RK, who had shifted his focus to the script in hands. However, that smirk of his was ever so present.

What's the deal, she wondered to herself.


Madhu was more than happy when the day came to an end, ready to get the heck out of there so that she wouldn't have to look at a certain egoistic superstar's face anymore. However, when she got closer to the gate, she saw that the media were still there, going absolutely crazy for said egoistic superstar, not to mention his fans as well.

Do these people not have anything better to do, Madhu gaped.

"RK! RK! RK," some fans chanted.

"We love you RK," another group of fans cried out.

Junoon | ObsessionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora