Chapter 15

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As early as 9:00am, two things woke me up. Both not pleasant.

The first was one of Asma's cats, Nina licking my face with so much enthusiasm... I was irritated. Then the blaring horn of cars coming from the outside. I could literally swear and I needed not to be told that it was Mami's drivers. Even without going there, I knew the problem. I quietly took a hijab and went outside to the gate.

"Ina kwana, Baba", I greeted the elderly man.

"Lafiya kalau, is there a problem?".

"No, but the cars are actually here to pick me up ne, kuma Uncle Adam is aware".

"Oh, I sincerely apologize, I had no idea Wallahi, Kuma they refused to explain anything and were being quite rude".

"It's okay and I'm sorry for not informing you earlier, Na gode (thank you)".

I waited till the drivers drove in and parked the car before I walked up to the chief driver and told him to tell the others not to horn and should be patient enough to wait for me till I came down later.

As much as I knew Mami loved luxury and everything it entails, which was why she sent seven latest SUV cars to come pick me up, she was a simple person.

And if anything, don't try to fake your character in her presence, never over style. She might have this facade of being cold hearted and all, but she is too soft on the inside, way too soft but over the years, things have overpowered that side of her.

Nobody was awake by that time or they were probably still in their rooms, so I went back upstairs, and slept till past 12:00pm. I had never been one to oversleep, but then I didn't have my phone so the boredom was excruciating, and I also needed to shake off the tiredness of the past few days. I obviously didn't forget about the drivers.

By the time I woke up, even Asma was not in bed and I could hear noise coming from downstairs which meant that they were awake. I quickly took a shower, borrowed another cloth which Asma gave me, but this time around, it was Ankara.

Before I finished getting ready, it was already time for Zuhr, so I prayed then went downstairs for breakfast/lunch. Everyone was at the table when I arrived and literally ready to leave so they were all dressed up.

"Good afternoon Uncle Adam, Mama Jay, and everyone", I greeted before dragging a chair for myself to sit, which i did and started serving myself.

"I'm literally hurt Ya Arla, how can you classify me under everyone". I chuckled in amazement.

"I sincerely apologize Ya Asma, Good morning then".

"Haba, now I feel like the big girl that I am". Everyone chuckled at the behavior of the childish 19 year old.

After the meal, everyone cleared up, then we started doing final touches, some tying their geles, some doing their makeup, and some other things before we headed out.

Mama Jay, being the sweet angel that she was, made glazed doughnuts for Mami, which i couldn't control my self from having cause of it's aroma.

We all came out as one happy family, with everyone laughing, jokes thrown here and there and I felt a tug in my heart cause I knew I could never have something like that.

Everyone settled in the car, almost locking my door, then i saw Uncle Adams retreating back making it's way back to the house.

"Uncle Adam, aren't you coming along?", I questioned.

"What's there to do Arla, just greet your mom for me and safe journey". There was more to it. Way deeper. He was scared of the outcome of the search of his daughter.

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