Chapter 12

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This chapter is dedicated to h_aulame. Thank youu



It was the same man who had driven away and left me there.

"Who are you?! You left me there to die, didn't you? What are you doing here?".

He only smiled and then strolled further into the room then sat down on the bed bench, which was quite a distance from where i was sitting. From the corner of my eyes, i could see Mama Jay trying to leave the room but what if... Just what if she was leaving me with a murderer?

"Mama Jay, please can you stay back a little, i doubt he can be trusted". She did as i asked of her and came to sit next to me on the bed while the man let out a hearty chuckle.

"First of all, I'm Adam, and i didn't leave you there, and this is my house so i ought to be here", he answered all in one go.

"Bu...but you drove away right?". Even he was making me question my sanity at this point cause I'm sure he drove away.

"I didn't, i don't know if you remember but my car was blocking the way so i had to adjust the parking and before i could finish that, you passed out", he stated like it was the most obvious thing ever.

Well, that explained the constant honking that made me lightheaded.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you like that, and for being rude, thank you for bringing me to your home". I had to apologize cause i had misjudged him.

"It's all in the past now, you're like a daughter to me". He replied.

"But what is your name and where do you live?".

"I'm Arla and i live in Sarah's Ville", that name was wildly known more than anywhere in Abuja. It has, it is and it will always be the talk of the town cause of the rumours.

"Sarah's Ville?", They both yelled on top of their lungs making me titter cause of their reaction. I had already gotten used to this reaction from people so this one was no surprise to me.

"Yeah, what's wrong?", I asked, seeing the fear written all over their faces.

"Isn't that the house where whoever that enters it doesn't come out unharmed, that is if you've been spared to see the next day infact?". I just let out the suppressed laughter cause i couldn't hold it back anymore. The rumours these oldies have embedded in their heads was one to laugh about although it was partially true.

"Well, it's kinda true, but that only happens if my mom is angry or she's trying to be fair and just. She prefers to take justice into her own hands, but other than that, as you can see I'm Well and alive and I'm her daughter if your wondering".

"Wow, that's a shocker if I'm being honest". Adam confessed.

"We'll leave you to your food now and then come back later, okay?", Mama Jay mumbled.

"Okay, thank you so much".

They both walked out of the room and left me to finish my now already cold food but nevertheless, i enjoyed every last bit of it.

After the meal, i decided to survey the room a little. There was a letter A with cute LED lightings right above the bed i was on. There was also another bed in the room which was very tidy with a floral pattern embroidered bedsheet neatly spread on it which also had the same letter A but with a different lighting. Off to the corner on my right, a perfectly arranged study table and chair sat there. One thing that caught my eye there was the Modern acrylic clear vase beautifully adorned with lilac and dahlia flowers.

A few metres away from it was a corner which led to a wardrobe and a toilet opposite it.

The room was simple yet magnificent. And I can't deny the fact the two people who stay in this room must be neat freaks.

I went into the toilet, performed wudu, got a praying mat from the bed bench which was the one in front of the bed i was earlier on. But the problem was that i didn't know the Qibla(direction to pray). I don't even know what i was thinking initially cause i was already wearing my hijab waiting for a miracle to come from heaven and tell me the direction.

I rang the bell and Mama Jay made her appearance after five minutes. Mama Jay was a petite lady with a large but cute eyes, oval face and pointed nose. Her features basically screamed Shuwa and maybe a touch of Fulani. I couldn't help but notice the bags that were underneath her eyes indicating her lack of sleep or probably stress.

She took her time to walk over.

"Mama Jay, one problem, i don't know the Qibla". She smiled then took the mat and adjusted it to face the Qibla before she sat down and waited for me to finish praying.

"Please can I get something to wear atleast before i get back home, if that wouldn't be a problem to you", I asked her.

"That wouldn't cause any problem at all, let me get it for you".

She got me a free cotton dress that had pockets at the sides. Even from the feel of it, i knew it was beyond comfortable.

"Thank you, Mama", i thanked while hugging her.

"Don't thank me, you're like my daughter".

"Mama, you look stressed with all the bags under your eyes".

"It's nothing dear, just exhausted". Even from the way she said it, and with the fake smile on her face, i couldn't even buy that lie but i wouldn't press on.

The door was barged open and a girl that had almost if not all the features of Mama Jay came in. An exact but smaller replica of her.

"Ina kwana", she greeted, making me feel like one oldie.

"Lafiya kalau"

"Is that the way to come into the room, you this child, i have warned you several times, you really need to grow up", Mama Jay scolded her.

"Calm your horses, my love", she had jokingly said earning her a glare from Mama Jay.

"What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Asma'u, the last born in this house, Mama's favourite and the cutest, thanks for asking and what's your own name", she said and asked all in one go. I loved her humorous, jovial and free nature already. Seemed like we both would get along.

"I'm Arla, baby last". I finally found somebody that blabbed more than i did.

"Mama, have you found Yaya..."

The glare Mama Jay shot her, made her mutter a sorry under her breath and walked into the toilet. What is happening between Mama Jay and Asma'u?!!

Me that said i was going to update since Thursday, see me updating on Sunday evening 😫🤧

Oh well, wahalurrrrrrrr...
To be honest, i don't even know what to say about this chapter.



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