Chapter 5

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The lady came in and sat down without even giving us a glimpse, tell me why i wouldn't call this woman mad.

She sat comfortably in the armchair opposite all of us, making her get a good view of everyone.We were surrounded by her maids and bodyguards at each corner of the room making me wonder if they also stay like that in her own room.

Don't get me wrong, cause i really won't be surprised if she had them in her room.

After then, i saw the terrorists who brought us here sitting down after her, so we all followed suit. So if I'm not mistaken, then this means she is the boss here. She's got so much power and influence.

Personally i would continue to call these people terrorist for as long as I'm here cause they are surely wrecking my mental peace here. They are probably just some goons hired for a stupid job that involves me.

She began to survey all of us almost as if she was looking for something, my eyes were following her every movement until her eyes landed on mine. Truth be told, i didn't even budge initially, but with her unwavering gaze, i became very uncomfortable.

It felt as if she was reading my soul. There was just this aura radiating from her that screamed danger and power that just didn't quite sit well with me, making me tensed a bit.

I averted my gaze from her uncomfortable one. Then i looked up again to see if her eyes were still on me and thank God, she was looking at the lady beside me.

Her voice with so much power and some sort of calmness that felt quite unusual resounded inside the room.
"She is none of them".
In my head i was thanking God for not allowing her to recognize me cause i needed to go home!!
The anger in me is getting to a point beyond which i can control. My tracker wouldn't lie, would he?

Arla was there at the organization, he didn't see her enter and he also didn't see her leave but he saw Arafat enter, which makes me wonder where that witch called Arafat took her to.

None of this ugly looking fools is her. And what is making the matter more complicated is that i only have a side view picture of Arafat making it hard to identify which one is her amongst them.

It took everything in me not to strangle everyone in the room. I wanted to break everyone, everything, and anything!

"She is none of them" i calmly said which is a total contrast to my mood at this time.

I was so ready to extricate my wrath on whosoever was sitting there, and this one needed to be vengeful.

Anyone who knows me, knows that getting me angry is as good as playing with fire willing to get burnt.

I almost let out a chortle when i saw Razor's and the other captives faces. Their faces were as white as plain sheets, the fear was just too pronounced. It was so hard for me to keep a straight face in this situation so i had to look elsewhere.

And that was when my eyes went back to the lady i had a staring competition with earlier. She was just looking at me with an expression i couldn't place a finger on, as if i was there for entertainment but i was boring her out. The way her face tilted off to the side with curious eyes just staring up at me, i just felt...

But then one more survey on her entire face and stare into her amber eyes, it was more than enough to confirm to me that she was the one. I quickly stood up and left the room.

I ran up the stairs as soon as I could, barging into my room cause i was too impatient although that made me whisper-yell an ouch cause i hit the door really hard. I picked up the iPhone i dropped earlier and with shaky hands opened the phone and clicked on the picture. I was so anxious and happy at the same time. There she was, the same lady here in the picture is the one downstairs.

I went back down and acted as if everything was normal and okay, sat back down in my original position then continued to stare at the lady i believe, no, i know is Arafat. I could sense it from her body language that she knew something was wrong, from the way she kept on averting her gaze from mine, i knew she was tensed.

If your wondering how i figured out it was her, well she has a birth mark on her face on both cheeks except that one was a perfect circle which was on her right cheek while the other one wasn't perfect which was on her left, she also had a cut on her eyes brows on the right side of her face. And luck was on my side cause the picture i had was a side view of her right side. So now you know how I identified her.

"Her" i uttered, pointing out the fair lady i was staring at. Then all eyes fell on her.

"Murja, take her to your quarters into the D.R, while you razor, take the rest back with you and take them back safe and sound, i don't want more damages caused than the one already on ground which i have to pay for". I commanded.




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