Chapter 11

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The thorns pierced through my legs to the point that blood oozed out uncontrollably, i could feel it stirring a fever in me but i dared not stop. The insect bites caused a pain that dug in way deeper and beyond the skin surface but i dared not stop. The sun made a grand entrance and the heat it came with was too much to handle, dehydrating my entire being but i dared not stop. I had to keep running.

I couldn't scream for help because her men were close and they would get me within the snap of a finger. Wondering who that person was?


A friend that acted as if she could trade her life just for my safety. But life has taught me that not all friendships are true and there's always a character that goes beyond the one you see in a person everyday. She acted like an angel.

I had escaped narrowly, cause even i didn't think i would. I kept on running with no direction in mind except to see a road where cars where passing by.

Then the view of a road came, i didn't hesitate to use the last bit of energy i had to run towards it. I didn't know if it was cause of my then blurred vision or what, but no cars were passing by. I was dehydrated. I mercilessly had to agree that water was life.

When i reached the roadside, i could finally see cars passing but none, not even stopped to atleast stopped to say what's wrong talk less of helping.

I couldn't blame them though. I literally looked like someone who escaped from a nearby psychiatric.

I began screaming for help and waving my hand like a five year old begging for candy.

Then a car stopped by and i was like 'Alhamdullilah, finally'.

It was a man and he looked like he was in his late 50's, or maybe about my Papa's age.

"Assalam alaiki dear, why are you here and where are you going to".

"I've bee..been kidnapped, please help me, maybe to a nearby station si...sir".

The constant honking of a car behind us made me dizzy and lightheaded and when the man drove past me, i knew i was helpless and gone for. I was swirling between unconsciousness and consciousness lying on the ground. The last thing i could remember before passing out was someone picking me up while i allowed the darkness to consume me.

I regained consciousness in a room having white and frost. It reminded me of only one person and that was Mami. I missed her so much although it was all her fault i was in this situation. Assuming she accepted Hussain, or didn't even leave Papa right from the start, then we would have been happy. But we plan, Allah plans, and He is the best of all planners. Nothing could've been done to stop it.

My eyes started becoming glossy but i was quick to blink them back cause crying was quite useless at that point.

"Dear, good morning". My head whipped to where the sweet voice greeted me although she scared the living crap out of me which made me jump up in fright. It was a new place and don't judge me.

"Oh, my bad, I'm sorry i scared you. I actually came to check up on you cause you've been sleeping since yesterday and i brought some food, water and medicine Incase you need it", the lady said to me.

She looked between her late 40's or early 50's. She sure looked older than Mami.

When she spoke about the food and water, that was when i remembered my own hunger, but the thirst was too much. I grabbed a bottle of water from the tray, opened it and gulped it down until the last drop passed across my lip was i then satisfied.

And the aroma of the food was just too distracting and tempting. Forgetting about her existence, i opened the lids on the plate and it was my favorite food, Plantain with egg, that was fried just the way i wanted it. Not the sunny side up style but the omelette kind.

I began to devour the food telling her thank you with every bite i took.

It was nothing special but at the point, it meant the whole world and beyond to me. Have you ever skipped a meal for one and a half day?

"Calm down dear, the food isn't going anywhere", she muttered in between chuckles. As far as i was concerned, she was just talking cause i wasn't going to adhere.

"Well, when you're done, just ring the bell over there...", She said while pointing to my right. "And i would come back if you need anything, just make sure you finish the food, okay?". She didn't even have to tell me to finish the food cause i wasn't planning on remaining it either.

"Yes ma'am", i saluted while she chuckled and started making her way out of the room. I also resumed eating my food but..

'But then who was she? Why was she giving me food? What if the food was poisoned? Why was she awfully sweet?' my subconscious started to question. I could feel myself going lightheaded as a result of the endless questions.

"Who are you ma'am?" I asked raising my head up to look at her face well. Her hand was already on the door knob when i asked but she let it go and turned to face me.

"I'm Mufeedah, but you can call me Mama Jay". She said in her ever sweet voice.

Mama Jay?

What a very weird yet familiar name. I couldn't dwell much on that else my head might have exploded cause of too much overthinking.

"But why should I trust you?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Do i look like someone who would kill you, or cause harm towards you? You ought to know those you can trust even at first glance". When she said this, i felt bad for saying that to her.

"I'm sorry and thank you Mam..." Just then, the door creaked open and a man silhouette appeared. And when Mama Jay gave him room to come in, it was him.


Late update i know😫😭 but we still did it. Is it only me, but Sha I'm starting to love this Mama Jay a little.

Well, who do you think is this 'you', that just came in. Where is Arafat aka Jamila🤭

I might update tomorrow or very very  soon though. Share your thoughts.

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