Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to hafs27.

"Lead the way".

When we came out of the room, there were three other same type of doors leading to other places which Asma said were other rooms. There was one directly opposite the one we came out of, then another facing the stairs and the other was opposite the mini parlour, which had tinted sliding doors so I had no idea what was on the inside.

Vases adorned every part, having different sizes and different flowers. It had this homey feeling that made my mind let go of all worries.

We both went down the stairs and I noticed that there was another staircase as well. It was surely an imperial staircase, and I was sure that the other side didn't lead to where we came out from.

Asma'u had been a really good tour guide cause she had been talking non-stop.

"... And you know, she's crazy, mad. God I hate her...". I didn't even know who she was talking about but I kept on nodding my head as if I was understanding.

"Uhm, Asma, where does the other staircase lead to?", I whispered to her while we continued to descend down the stairs.

"Oh, that's late Mama Baturiya's chamber. But her kids still stay there. They are all nice except one but you'll meet them at dinner".

She kept on mumbling and talking while I kept on 'hmming'. I kept on glancing at the massive parlour before we both went outside.

She led me to the garden which was at the backyard. I just stood there staring in awe cause that beauty was beyond imagination. It had flowers of different varieties even the ones I've been searching for all my life like the azalea. They had Daisies, sunflowers, Daffodils, plumeria's and a thousand lot. They had a cane swing chair and a macrame chair that made the garden have a comfortable reading zone vibe. A corner which served as the praying area was already secluded there.

We didn't even need to go back in, cause we had nothing to do. Asma got us a few snacks to munch on as we stayed there all day long.

Although Asma was atleast 4 years younger than me, she was really an angel in disguise. We played a few games, did photography with her camera, spoke about life, then watched the sunset before we went in for magrib.

By 8 on the dot, all members of the house were summoned by Uncle Adam to come and have a family dinner just like Asma stated earlier.

At the dinner, discussions were light, not too loud, thrown here and there. I joined the conversations a little, saying 'yes' or 'no' and relating to other things where I could before Uncle Adam called my attention. I figured out that calling his name directly was way too rude so I settled for 'Uncle', which was what most Nigerians called people older than them, whether related by blood or not.

"Arla", he muttered while clearing his throat.

"Yes?". I wondered what he wanted to talk about.

"Uhm... Mufee told me about your offer. I'm not against it nor would I reject it but my concern is, how fruitful would this be?". The way his voice emitted concern and fear and doubt, made me feel ever assured of my decision.

The table went pindrop silent as everyone waited for my reply including Uncle Adam, Mama Jay, Asma'u, Shamsiyya and Aisha(both Asma's stepsisters). Both the stepsiblings were awfully familiar but I just couldn't... Just couldn't place where I had known them. The house, the people, everything was just so...

"I would have never brought this up if I was unsure. I am beyond certain that this is like a work over". I could see the relief on their faces as I killed the suspense.

It was as if I was trying to convince myself rather than convincing them cause one question kept on lingering on my mind, ' what if you don't find her or she's dead and you shatter all their hopes?'.

The table went back to it's normal and initial atmosphere while we rounded up.

After dinner, I and Asma'u went back to the room. I don't know what moved her but she disclosed everything to me, including the family issue and from then, I knew where I had seen those two girls. I could then place a few pieces of the puzzle together. Lots of drama was going to happen the next day and I could feel it in my blood.

I slept with that in mind as well as Hussain then Papa.

"New roommate, hey, speak at least so I won't be blamed for killing you later".

The boredom was killing my brain cells to the point that I had no option than to speak to the new guy. Although I had been talking for atleast an hour, the guy refused to budge.

"Shut the heck up please".


"Rude much".

"Whatever, so why are you here".

"I've got no idea, just kidnapped for no reason, you?".

"Well, kidnapped for marrying her daughter, not exactly a crime but I did it without her permission". His voice was loud and clear, with absolutely no remorse, rather, he let out a chuckle.

"Were you high on something or what?".

"Don't blame me abeg, it has been done and cannot be erased so that's her business".

"It's between you and her. Well, I'm Jamila, you?".

"I'm Hussain".

Heyya, so this chapters are just...
The drama is yet to begin, but buckle up, cause the next chapter is gonna unravel a few things that might shake you a bit🤭. I'm already spilling too much.



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