Chapter 4

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Shock is the only word i can use to describe my expression, infact that is an understatement to my expression when the trigger was pulled...

And the number of gunshots I heard?
Enough to have blocked my eardrums at that moment. If there's anything I dislike, no hate, infact despise, then it's noise. But this was on a whole different level of noise.

Slightly opening my eyes, I was forcefully hit by a wave of strong smell of blood making me dizzy, and with a view i thought would only be seen in action movies.

Kuttt... Scratch that, they can't even beat this.

Only five ladies were alive from what my disoriented brain could count. I could swear that we were over twenty initially. Alongside mine and the other ladies bulging eyes and hanging mouths, confusion, bafflement and whatsoever you want to call it was perfectly adorning our faces. It was a point in time when we didn't even know what to do, if crying was the solution then I'm pretty much sure my eyes would have been rolling on the floor now. That was heartlessness at its peak.

What made me fear the most was the fact that i didn't even know if they were going to shoot me next. The unsightly view of blood made me nauseous as i looked at those laying on the floor gifted with the bullets that were flying earlier in their bodies.

'Help' was the only and last thing i could mutter as a handkerchief had been used to block my nostrils. The handkerchief was a problem on its own and I'm now inhaling some powdery substance which i can't really pin down. The handkerchief would have been more then enough to murder me if that was their intention. I'm claustrophobic and I've had a few symptoms of asthma, so it took less that 20 seconds for me to black out.
Oh! My! God!

Can't people just do things right for once. The instruction i simply gave these touts was get my daughter or Arafat from the company and bring her to my house. Period.

Nothing more, nothing less.

The feeling of giving orders and not getting them fulfilled is quite annoying. They had sent pictures of different ladies but it's either one was wearing too much makeup or the other had a blood stained face. I only had the side view picture of the so called Arafat girl. And my daughter Arla was neither of them. The last place my men saw her was there and together with Arafat.

The ladies that looked too different from the person i think is Arafat... I really have no idea what they did with them, and i couldn't care less.

My phone started ringing, bringing me out of my imagination realm.

"Mun iso( we're here)" A husky voice came through immediately i picked up the call.

"But this your guard is speaking gibberish" Hassan's voice AKA razor's voice came again, but complaining this time around.

"What's the issue" i said in a bored tone.

"He says something about not opening the gates cause the people are supposedly threats to you". There was a sharp intake of breath, almost as if he was trying to calm himself down, but then he continued,

"Wallahi you need to chan..." That was the last thing i heard him say before i hanged up and called my guards so they could give them access. I was already strained, stressed, and Hassan just wants to blab rubbish.

Nope, my brain needs rest.

My security were just doing their jobs, cause i know how many thousand people are waiting for that golden opportunity to have their hands on my neck and without a second thought, snap it into a million pieces.

Hassan is well educated which i thank God for, cause i can't imagine myself struggling to speak English with anyone, but which makes me wonder why he's into this kind of things, I mean the business he does, but then on the other hand he is the one completing my task so that's his problem to deal with.

I dropped the iPhone i was holding and picked the Z fold before heading out to meet my 'important guest' in my receiving room.
Ushered into a receiving room in a not so pleasant way. Heck, i wasn't even looking pleasant. At this point all the clothes I'm wearing are starting to itch and irritate me, i felt so uncomfortable.

All i wished for was to be in any of the maids shoes or better still, get out of here. One thing i noticed about all the thousand maids I've seen so far is that, it's either the maid is bleached to her soul or she's already in track, which makes me wonder if they also enjoy the luxury here.

The beauty of this place is one thing i can't deny, cause words can't describe the opulence the owner of this place is squandering and living in. From the gate to the large three branched house, which is large enough to fit my entire family generation and still have more than enough space bewildered me.

We were all standing, if you're wondering, which makes I myself wonder who the boss here is, for him to make this animalistic creatures in form of humans that brought us here, to stand.

I almost lost my balance when i heard a lady laughing hysterically coming from the l-shaped staircase with glass and golden design.


I shifted a little from my original position to get a good glimpse at her. She was beautiful indeed, and looked more like a combination of Shuwa Arab and Fulani.

Even as she came into perfect view, the laughter didn't stop, she was on a phone call. I didn't even realize when my lips parted and uttered " Mad woman". Thought it was a whisper, not until one of the terrorist shot me a glare. Thank God he was the only one that heard it. Realizing my 'mistake' i mouthed "sorry" to which he only nodded curtly to.


Eid Mubarak❤️. Alhamdullilah.
Ramadan is gone and it felt as if it was just yesterday it started. May Allah accept our Ibadahs.

Yippppeeeee. Done with another chapter 🤧.
Aha, so Jamila didn't die but i think she should have, Sha comment what you think. Anyways, and this crazy Sarah that we're just meeting. What's up with her. All i can say is buckle up cause this journey is about to get crazy 😙😂.
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