Chapter 1

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An attack that led to loss of lives, destruction of bright futures and a merry chase just in search for her 'runaway' daughter.

Garmented in a blue and yellow flower patterned A-shaped Ankara gown was Jamila. With a blue veil wrapped around her head matching her outfit. With a very light makeup, sitting in the reception of JDS enterprise. She was there for an interview.

The drastic turn of events from how the silent company turned to absolute chaos would forever baffle me. It was normal at the beginning...

I had finished speaking to her and made my way towards the entrance. It felt unusual and quite unsettling to see her there but who was I to complain. I had better things to think about anyway.

"Miss Jamila, you're next" was what I heard from one of the many in-built speakers in the lobby. Man! This place screams luxury and increases the nervousness in me times a hundred.

The main entrance was beautified with a double door which made way to sight the flawless interior of the prestigious JDS enterprise.

Off to my left from where I was seated was the receptionist corner. It was low-key pretty. The receptionist desk is a Halifax reception desk, that much I knew because I was searching for a desk for Abba when I came across that same one. With two office swivel chairs behind it, it was fully adorned with a sculptural glass vase mounted on a wood vase, at one edge of the table, while a geometric glass and brass vase was at the other end.

The lobby was a beautiful blend of Barrel chairs and Dorain sofas with sets of  center tables off to the one corner, and sectional sofa attached to the walls in pairs in the middle.

I was here for the position of a secretary.

I stood up and walked gracefully to where I believe was the interview room cause all the people that were here with me for the interview went in and out of that place.

I knocked and waited for permission as I held the door knob.

As far as I could remember, my ears never had the ability to multitask. It's either i hear one thing at a time or nothing at all. But today, i don't know why or how i heard "come in" from behind the door and "get down" from the entrance.

Since i didn't even open the door, I swiveled around to see what was happening and that was when i heard...
Sirens, gunshots, glass shattering, people screaming, heels of different ladies stumping so hard as though they wanted to break the tiles...

The noise was instilling fear in me. All this happening while my eyes were closed, I couldn't bring myself to open them. I just picked the safest option and barged into the interview room.

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