Y/N:Well i think we should start working on our characters.

Kiriko:Yeah... I promised Hana that i would play a game with her that's she talking about for the past few months. Can we start work on our characters tomorrow?

Y/N:Alright, we can start work on our characters tomorrow.

Montage Time!

The next day arrived, Kiriko and I got permission to leave the base so we can buy supplies for our characters.

After buying the supplies and returning back Watchpoint Gibraltar. We walked inside of Kiriko's dorm and began work on our characters.

We first began with sketching our characters on scratch paper. Designing them before we begin working the figures.

After deciding our final design, we began to work on the figures, painting them and giving them their accessories.

After finishing with our characters, Kiriko and I worked on their backstories.

Kiriko:Alright, so my character is a rouge and a protector at the same time. She chose this life knowing that she's going to have to break some rules to protect what she truly cares about the most. What about you?

Y/N:Mine is just a mercenary.

Kiriko:Huh? But i thought you would give your character you know a super long backstory. Especially with how much of a nerd you are sometimes.

Y/N:Yeah i just made mine a sellsword.

Kiriko:I guess we can find a way to connect our characters together.


The day arrived where Emily would come visit the base.

I grabbed my character and left my dorm meeting up with Kiriko. Who has 3 boxes of doughnuts with her.

We made our way towards the lounge and knocked on the door. With a red haired lady answering the door. This must be Emily?

Emily:You two must be some of Lena's friends?

Kiriko:Yep we are!

Y/N:You must be Emily then?

Emily:Yes, nice to meet you two.

We walked inside of the lounge, and noticed three other people who chose to join us.

Genji:Kiriko and Y/N? I didn't know that Lena invited the both of you.

Kiriko:So Shimada your here also. This is great i get to mess with both Y/N and you. What a day today is going to be.

Reinhardt:Ah, Y/N my lad glad that you can join us!

Y/N:Reinhardt! Didn't think you'd be joining us!

Reinhardt:You kidding! I used to play these games when i was around your age! So playing this will bring me back to my childhood!

Orisa:I'm not very familar with this type of game. But when Lena explained it to me it got me very curious to try it out.

Reinhardt:Kiriko i see that you brought doughnuts. Can i have some?

Kiriko:Sure knock yourself out.

Kiriko handed Reinhardt a doughnut, then she placed the boxes of doughnuts on another table filled with snacks.

The main table had a map of the game. Detailing the world and it's many locations.

Lena would walk inside of the lounge bringing Echo with her.

The protectors of Kanezaka (Kiriko x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن