"How do you do; how do you do" Fudge bowed slightly to Narcissa. "May I introduce Mr Oblansk – M Obalonsk – Mr – well he's the Bulgarian Minister of Magic and he cant understand a word I'm saying anyway so, never mind. And who else, ah you know Arthur Weasley, I daresay?". That's when Narcissa locked eyes with Katherine and moved towards the girl.

"How are you, Katherine?" She asked showing the girl a kind smile.

"I'm doing well thank you Cissy, it's been hard but I'm getting there" Narcissa nodded and pulled the girl into a hug.

"Well done for getting out, you deserved so much more" She whispered in Katherine's ear.

"Thank you for being there for me Cissy" Katherine whispered back as she pulled away, she could hear Lucius taking a jab at Arthur.

"Good lord Arthur. What did you have to sell to get seats in the top box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much" Lucius sneered at him. Katherine stepped forward and fixed her eyes on Lucius.

"Mr Malfoy, that's a highly inappropriate comment to make. And if that's the route we're going down, who did you threaten to curse for your tickets?" Katherine questioned, her glare never leaving Lucius. She raised her eyebrow challenging him to reply, his face had gone a shade of pink.

"How dare you, your parents should have better control over you girl" Katherine scoffed at him.

"My parents cannot control me anymore Mr Malfoy, however," She saw fudge tuning back into their conversation, "Should you know where my parents are, I would hope you would tell the Minister as the Aurors have been after them for some time now". Katherine saw the Minister looking at Lucius and smirked at him. She was a quiet girl, but you do not threaten and mock those she cares for.

"Yes, I would hope so too Lucius. Anyway Arthur, Lucius has just given a very generous contribution to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. He's my guest" At hearing this Katherine scoffed, the man doesn't have a generous bone in his body.

"How- How nice" Arthur strained to be nice. Lucius eyes then turned onto Hermione and his lip curled upwards I'm almost a snarl. Katherine had enough and let out a very low warning growl, which caused those right next to her to jump slightly. "Oh, is it thundering? I thought it was supposed to be clear tonight" cried Arthur as he shuffled all the teenagers to their seats. George grabbed Katherine's hand and pulled her down to sit in between him and Fred, but her eyes burned into the back of Lucius's head.

"Everyone ready?" Katherine was pulled out of her glaring by Ludo, "Ready to go Minister?"

"Ready when you are Ludo" replied the Minister. Ludo pulled out his wand and mutter "Sonorus" and started to speak over the deafening sound of the stadium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the final of the four hundred and twenty second quidditch world cup!" As every clapped and cheered Katherine could see all the different flags that were in the stadium for the support of Ireland and Bulgaria. Just then a huge score board appeared. "And now without further ado, allow me to introduce the Bulgarian national team mascots!" That's when Katherine saw them, a hundred vela, she knew she was going to have to wrestle the boys back into their seats. As soon as the music started Fred started to lift himself up out of his chair, so channelling Athenas strength she pulled him back down and looked at George to do the same to him, to find him staring at her. Suddenly the stadium filled with the cries of angry people and Katherine noticed the Veela's had stopped their dancing.

"Kat, why have you got hold of my jumper?" Fred asked, Katherine snapped out of staring at George and looked at Fred with her eyes still purple.

"Because Freddie, you were trying to jump over everything to get to the Veela's, and I couldn't let you do that I'm afraid" He nodded and then took note of her eyes.

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