Chapter 16

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You never would see a stranger group, Crookshanks and Katherine were leading the way, Lupin, Peter and Ron were next looking a bit like contestants in a three-legged race. Drifting creepily along behind them was Snape, his toes dragging on the stairs as he was held up by a wand being pointed at him by Sirius, then Harry and Hermione was at the back.

Going though the tunnel proved difficult for the trio just behind Katherine as they had to turn sideways just to be able to fit. Sirius was still making Snape drift along; Harry was right behind Sirius and Hemione was just behind him. Katherine was in a world of her own at the front, she wasn't listening to the conversations going on around her, she just couldn't wait to crawl into bed. She turned around to check on the group but quickly decided against it when she was met with the lights from the wands. Katherine was out of the hole first and turned back to help Ron. Soon everyone was out. Katherine noticed the grounds were dark. The she remembered, it was a full moon and Lupin hadn't taken his potion.

Katherine decided to speed up a little, to try and subtly tell the group to also move faster, but as they were heading across the grounds the clouds shifted and bathed everything in moonlight. She whipped around and ran as fast as she could to Harry and Hermione and dragged them towards Ron.

"Whatever happens, you run" All three teenagers nodded at Katherine as she turned back to face Lupin.

"Run, run now" Sirius whispered at all the teenagers, Harry leapt forward, he couldn't leave Ron, who was still chained to Pettigrew, who was still changed to Lupin, who was quickly transforming into a wolf. Katherine stepped forward as her wings burst from her back, she looked over at Sirius and gave him a nod. She was going to help whether he wanted her to or not.

Katherine was horrified as she watched Lupins head enlarge and heard his bones break, but she stood her ground. The now werewolf stared at her before baring its teeth, Katherine growled in response. Taking the werewolf's momentary distraction Padfoot lunged at him as Katherine dived towards him feet first. She was going to keep him away from them kids at all costs. Unaware of what was going on behind her peter Pettigrew had escaped. With a swipe of its giant claw Katherine went soaring to the ground, however she jumped up and lunged for the werewolf again, just in time to see it throw Padfoot to the ground.

"Oi dickhead" Everyone looked at Katherine, she had never sworn like that before, even the werewolf seemed to pause. She made sure to have its full attention before lifting herself into the air and taking off into the forest, the werewolf bounding after her. She didn't have time to worry about Padfoot/Sirius, she needed to concentrate on staying alive. Suddenly the werewolf grabbed hold of he leg and pulled her harshly to the floor. She ended up rolling a few feet away, completely winded. Lupin the werewolf stalked towards her as she struggled back onto her feet, if Lupin wanted to play this game, she could play it better. She closed her eyes and felt Athena completely take over, she felt the familiar stretch of her limbs. Looking down at the now tiny werewolf Athena growled at him. It stopped in its tracks and watched her curiously. It walked a little closer and seemed to sit by her side.

They sat like that for a while before suddenly it ran off, taking into the air so she could see better Athena/Katherine watched as it bounded towards two familiar teenagers, but that's not possible, they should have been back at the castle by now. She landed and growled at werewolf Lupin again, tying to shield the teenagers without crushing them. The werewolf looked at her before running off again. Athena/Katherine turned her gigantic head and looked at the two teenagers before taking off into the air to track the lost werewolf.


A few hours later the sun began to rise, she landed near the now human Lupin before transforming back into her human self. She turned her back and waited for him to wake up, which happened to only be a few minutes later.

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