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"Kids come on we're going to be late!" Katherine yelled up the stairs to her twin boys Asher and Jackson Weasley. The sounds of footsteps of the twins running around upstairs came thundering down the stairs as a knock sounded on the door, a second later it opened to reveal her dad, uncle Siri, teddy, uncle Prongs and Aunt Lily. "Morning everyone!" Katherine said from the kitchen, cleaning up quickly before they left.

"Morning little one" Dad said as he came into the kitchen and picked up Katherine and George's 3-year-old daughter Aroura Grace.

"Mum have you seen my quidditch jumper?" Jackson called down the stairs.

"It's already in your trunk, along with everything else, now come on! Your Grandad is here to help us get to the station!" Katherine yelled back. The twins ran down the stairs to greet everyone.

"Hey Grandad, hey Uncle Siri, hey Uncle Prongs, hey Aunt Lily, hey Teddy" the twins said in unison causing Katherine to roll her eyes.

"Where's your dad you two?" Katherine asked.

"Well, he's trying to fit more pranking supplies in our trunks however-" Asher started only to be cut off with the bang of a firework.

"GEORGE!" Katherine yelled startling everyone. A few moments later George came down the stairs with a sheepish look on his face. "We will deal with this later, boys get your trunks we need to go" Katherine said. The twins ran off and Katherine grabbed Aroura from her dad and ushered everyone out of the house. Asher was with George, Aroura was with Katherine, Jackson with Sirius, Teddy with his dad and James and Lily together and within a few seconds they were running through the barrier to platform 9 ¾ .

"You know it was on the first night back of our 5th year that we started talking" George remembered fondly.

"Merlin he's a right sappy sod isn't he" a voice chimed from behind Katherine, looking over her shoulder she laughed.

"Hey Reg, you going to keep an eye on the kids?" Katherine asked. It turns out whilst the twins could not shapeshift like she could they did however inherit their mothers ability to see the dead, and they seem to have regular conversations with Regulus when he isn't lounging around Katherines home.

"Yeah, I better get going. I'll stop in later" Katherine said a quiet goodbye just as her twins pulled her into a hug. "You boys be good this year and for the love of Merlin stay out of detention if possible. If I get one more letter off Minnie I'll write you a howler. You both might be Gryffindor, but no one is brave enough to get one of them" Katherine laughed before gently ushering her eldest two onto the train, "I love you both".

"We love you too mum! Bye Dad, Bye Uncles and Aunts, By Granddad" The twins shouted out of the window on the train causing them all to laugh.

"You know I love them boys but I'm so glad Aroura wasn't a twin" George said with a small sigh.

"Why?" Katherine asked as the rest of the group got ready to go home.

"Because twins are a handful" George said with a wink causing everyone to laugh.

"So I guess now would be a bad time to tell you that I'm expecting....with twins..." Katherine said with an innocent look before she apparated away. She didn't get much peace due to their houses being next door to each other and soon enough all of her family including Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, Molly and Arthur came bursting through the door.

"We are having another set of twins?" George asked to which Katherine nodded causing the room to erupt in cheers and as she sat back and watched the scene in front of her she couldn't be happier that they had all made it through the war.

The End.

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