chapter 38

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Third person pov

After hot, steamy rough rounds of sex the couple were naked cuddling in the bed in a room reeked of sex

They finished fucking 30 minutes ago, but both haven't spoke a single word to each other

Lily's skin was getting little bit uncomfortable with body fluid covering it

She pulled away from Alessandro's arms and slide off the bed

She hissed at the little bit pain between her legs

"You're okay"? asked Alessandro who was quickly got to Lily's side

Lily wanted to laugh at his STUPID question. She was far from being okay

But instead of laughing she walk-no-correction she limped to the bathroom and Alessandro followed behind her

Wanting to soak her sore body she filled the bathtub with water while the bath was filling with water she occupied herself by brushing her teeth

Ignoring Alessandro who was standing naked by the doorway watching her

"Can I join you"? Alessandro asked when Lily was getting in the bathtub

"Do you "

That answer wasn't the one Alessandro wanted, but doing himself like he was told he pushed his body off the doorway he was leaning against entered the bathroom closing the door behind him

He joined Lily in the bathtub and made himself comfortable behind her

And Lily also made herself comfortable between his legs

They didn't talk until Alessandro decide to break the silence when the water was starting to lose heat


"5 months Alessandro..."

With how quick Lily's shoulders started trembling followed by loud sob

Alessandro assumed she was holding her tears back for a while since they started bathing

"Babe " a dejected Alessandro called out trying to turn Lily's body to face him so he could wipe off her tears

But Lily shrugged his hands off her shoulders, and silently left the bathtub

Alessandro wanted to talk. It was now or never so he also left the bathtub

While Lily wrapped a towel around her body and left the bathroom

The emotions drained all of her little energy that she had left after sex causing her to sink to the cold floor

She couldn't control herself as she cried harder

Alessandro was standing by a bathroom doorway watching her his heart breaking as Lily's sob filled the room

He doesn't know what happened in the 5 months, but it was his fault the state Lily's in

He couldn't watch the person he loved more than life crying her life out on the cold floor anymore

He slowly walks to her and crouched he picked her up bridally and carried her to the bed

He sat on the bed's edge with Lily in his lap, "please stop crying it's hurting so bad"

It was hurting forreal that he wasn't aware of the single tear running down his face

"5 months Sandro..5 months of living hell. You left me and everything started falling apart. I lost you. I lost uncle T, I lost granny, I lost Emily I still don't know what happened with Emily I don't know whether she's alive or not. Just when I thought I have someone connecting me to you I lost that connection. I had to toughen the fuck up shove my fucking emotions to the side like nothing. I had to pretend like I was fucking STRONG!.."

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