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If anyone would ask how I feel.I would say I don't know

I don't even know what going on in my life at this point .I don't know if I am having a bad dream or everything happening is really but if it's a dream I just wanna wake up now

First I had to fight for my life i can't even FIGHT . Second i found out i spent years hurting and mourning for FAKE parents .

Yeah even though I look alot like Cindy I wanted a DNA test to be done and it's turns out I am indeed the daughter of the America Mafia leader

And lastly .I can't even be mad at Alessandro... why ?...because in few hours I have to get ready to bury him

I was still lost in my thoughts when I heard a faint knocking on my door

"Come in " I said permitting whoever outside my door to enter

The door was pushed opened and Cindy entered

Yes another thing that has happened in my life is i had to stay with my ...real parents

At first I refused but after telling me that the necklace Alessandro made me wear the day for our date meant if anything were to happen to him I will take his place and run the Mafia

And now with Alessandro dead it means I'm the Italian mafia leader which makes me the target for Alexander and other people who wants to run the biggest Mafias

So I had no choice but to agree to move in with the American couple for protection

"Ambe-"I rudely cut off Cindy before she could finish her word

"It's Lily "

I know she was about to call me Amber .It was a beautiful name i admit but I am Lily not Amber

Science has spoken but a part of me still believing Alessandro is alive and I am waiting for him to confirm if I am Amber Carter or Lily Forest

And let me tell yall something crazy

If Alessandro says I am Lily Forest .I would believe him

Why not believe the man I love over strangers and papers ?

I have been staying here for a week and everytime Daniel or Cindy tries to call me Amber I correct them very quick sometimes I feel bad because everytime I do that you could see the hurt display on their eyes

"Uhm...sorry....I want to talk to you about something sweetheart "

"Okay "

Cindy walk towards my bed and sit on the edge

"Uhm I have noticed something ..after eating certain things you throw up after .First I thought you were sick but ..."

I looked at her in silent waiting for her to continue

I don't where she was going with this

"... but now I think different .Can I ask something personal ?"

I nod my head ,"but I won't answer if it's too personal "

"Are you sexually active? "

Eh. I wasn't expecting that at all

"Mrs Carter that's too personal don't you think "

You heard right .I call my ...mom 'Mrs Carter ' .Just like I said I am still believing Alessandro is alive and I'm waiting for him to tell me if I am Lily or Amber

" I won't judge you or anything sweetheart just answer the question "

"Yes "

"Protection ?"

C𝙰𝙿𝙾 𝙳𝙴𝙸 𝙲𝙰𝙿𝙸Where stories live. Discover now