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It's been three days since I saw Alessandro's face. Last night I ended up watching that movie I wanted to watch with him alone. Even if I tried waiting for him but my body was used to sleeping early so by 11 my ass would be dreaming and if I woke up early to go to his room his bed would be neatly done like he never slept in it.

Part of me believed he was avoiding me I mean if he can't come home early or have to leave early I can understand but why is he not responding to my texts. I wasn't only sad about him not keeping his promise but I was also worried about the thought that he might be avoiding me.

Today after classes I am going to his company

With that decision made I woke up and followed my morning routine. It was summer, and today it was going to be one of the hottest days to avoid sweating a lot I wore a short not a bum short but could be called a bum short, a crop top, pair of white puma sneaks, and finished my look with a belly chain. I don't like wearing makeup if it's really hot so today I just went with lip gloss only and my hair pulled up in a lazy bun. After I got everything I need for the day I left my room and head to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I saw a girl looking for something in the fridge the girl didn't notice my presence because her back was towards me. I clear my throat to make my presence known while I take a sit in one of the island stools

"Good morning "I greet the raven haired girl as she turned around to face me. I must admit she looks very pretty and judging from her looks, she looks around my age...maybe few years older.

"Good morning madam. What can I make you for breakfast ?" she politely asked softly smiling at me.

"I am not picky so you can make me anything" I answered observing her face. It was my first time seeing her. I don't know every maid's name, but I do know their faces.

The silence was starting to bother me as the raven haired was busy with making breakfast. "You're new here ?"I asked trying to start a conversation.

She looks up from the pan to my eyes "Yes madam, I started yesterday I am Angelina" she introduced herself leaving out her last name, but its normal most people don't say their last name when they introduce themselves.

I send her a smile while raising up from my seat, and walk around the counter. "I am Lily so stop calling me madam makes me feel like I am old just call me by my name. Nice to meet you "I said once I was standing next to Angeline, holding out my hand for her to shake it and she does that.

After introducing ourselves to each other I help her to make breakfast...well more like she was doing everything herself while I was talking her ear off doing everything wrong. I was fixing myself a plate when Mrs Jane walked into the kitchen and a dramatic gasp left her lips when she saw what I was doing.

"The world is coming to an end my baby is making her own breakfast "she said making me roll my eyes. The thing is I never fix my own plate let alone help in preparing food not because I am rich I have maids that do everything for me it's just that the kitchen never loved me. I tried cooking once and that didn't go very well and every time I try using anything in the kitchen something bad always happening to me, or I am the one close to burning the kitchen down. The only good thing I can do in the kitchen is opening the fridge and help myself with any thing delicious I find.

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