♡chapter 19/part2 ♡

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part 2

*Lily's POV *

Do I really look that bad

I thought when Sandro just run upstairs without saying anything

"Uncle T ,do I look that bad ?"I sadly whispered the question

Looking at my feet

"No princess you look very beautiful don't mind Alessandro he had a bad day he will apologize for his dick behaviour later "

"Thank You Uncle T "I said ,ready to turn around my ass and bring it upstairs to change into my oversized shirt and cry my little self to sleep

But before i could turn my body a cold hand on my shoulder stops me . Judging by the goosebumps appearing on my skin and how hard my heart suddenly start pumping i already know who's behind me ...only one man have this ridiculous effect on me

I felt a cold thing going around my neck , looking at it i saw a dimoand necklace .My eyes widen in shock .I have saw my fare share of jewelry in my life but what I was seeing right now ...is out of this world

I raise my hands to my neck feeling the very expensive looking jewelry .I am sure you can buy a mansion with the price of this necklace. I turn my head to look back at Alessandro to ask him if he really wants me to wear such of high wealthy piece


I jump losing my balance but my hunk of a man save me .I am glad to date a superhero because if i did fell I am sure we would be heading to the hospital now since I was still standing in the middle of the stairs .

Snapping my attention to to my uncle who I forgot I was still standing here.I was about to ask him why he's yelling but I stop once i see him looking at me like he sees a ghost

Carefully walking down the stairs ,I stop in from of my uncle ,"You okay ?You look little pale " I asked worriedly

But it's like he didn't hear me because all his focus was all on the necklace

I turn back to look Alessandro who was still standing in the middle of the stairs ,"I think uncle T will snatch the necklace Sandro "I jokingly

Sandro Chuckles as he come down the stairs, "he would never "


"Alessandro is there something I should know about the necklace ?"

Since we entered the restaurant all eyes fell on us more like on me .At first I thought maybe i look so damn good but the amount of attention i was and still get makes me believe it has something to do with the expensive jewelry

"No it's just a necklace i brought for you babe"

"Then why people are staring ?"

"Because you're beautiful "

I don't know how many times tonight he said that and everytime he says it my face warms up

"Alessandro I am not stupid.Uncle T looked like he saw a ghost seeing the necklace,your guards acted strange when they also saw the necklace .Right now people are staring at me i admit i look good tonight but not worth the attention i am getting "

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