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❧𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Lily was lying in her bed with Emma who arrived minutes ago

Emma couldn't make it to Lily the day Lily called her crying because she was ten hours away from Lily's location

The time she was two hours away from Lily her eyes were failing her she had to book a hotel and rest if she wanted to make it to Lily alive

"I mean I am not surprised "Emma said

Lily just told her the first thing that was a shock to her and that was when Alessandro revealed that he's a Don of Italian mafia

"What ?"Lily asked her friend

Did Emma also knew who Alessandro really is ? .That was the question Lily asked herself when she saw her friend wasn't shocked to hear hear the news

"Lily your house was always heavy guarded 24/7 by big hot guys with big guns . The amount of guards Mr De Luca always have around him or you is ridiculous even a president doesn't need that much guards .And he just gave off the danger aura so it make sense why he turned out to be a leader of illegal shit " explained Emma

"Who's the lady who opened the door Lily she looks like you ?"

When Emma arrived at the American Mafia mansion Lily was upstairs in her room and Cindy was the one ordered the guards to let Emma through the gate and welcomed her into the house

"My mom "


"My mom"

Emma who was lying in the bed pushed her body into a sitting position ,maybe lying down in the bed was affecting her hearing ability

"I am sorry maybe I didn't hear you right but she your what ?"

Lily let out a heavy sigh also pushing her body into a sitting position , "You heard right Emma "

Emma was really confused now . Thinking about the woman who opened the door for her early really looked like Lily and makes sense if she's Lily's mother but how ? Isn't Lily's mother dead ?

"Lily I am confused . What's going on ? Your mother dead long time ago what do you mean that woman is your mother I don't understand .Lily was going on ?"

Suddenly Lily burst into tears letting go of everything she been keeping inside and Emma was quick to pull the girl to her arms letting her cry on her chest

When Lily finally calmed down she started talking ,telling Emma everything about her fake and real parents

"I am so sorry "whispered Emma who was silently crying

She didn't know how to comfort her friend .She could see how her friend is hurting and it was also hurting her so much because there's nothing she could do

When Emma asked Lily if she should call her Amber or Lily . Lily's answer was , ' It's too late to change the first name now '

"You saw that woman Emma she's the old version of me even a 10 year old could tell she's my mom and the DNA confirmed that but Emma everything meant nothing to me i wasn't believing anything .The only thing i was willing to believe were Alessandro's words I wasn't gonna request proof of his words because I trusted him with my life .I was stupid Emma I was crazy I am a fool, trusting a man that was lying to me "

Emma cup Lily's cheeks using her thumbs to wipe off her best friend's tears , "You're not stupid or crazy and your definitely not a fool .You were just truely deeply in love .It was you and him against the world kind of love. You didn't believe anything because you believe it's your love and his against everything . He's the one crazy ,stupid and a fool for breaking your trust "

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