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I woke to the sound of my alarm clock going off. The most irritating sound for every student in the morning. I don't feel like attending classes today so I just ignored the alarm, turned my back to it and pulled the covers over my head.

In my head I was thinking of 100 ways of torturing whoever came up with that idea of school. I really hate school, who doesn't?

Instead of teaching us Mathematics why can't they teach us how to do the job? That would save us time and depression that comes with failing. I sighed annoyed, this damn alarm clock won't stop ringing if it was some cheap ass alarm clock I would've stopped it by throwing it across the room, but I can't destroy a custom made wooden alarm clock worth thousands yes, I am rich but not a brat.

I remove the quilt off my body and slid off the bed. My feet welcomed the warmth from the fluffy rug that covered half of the floor of my room. First I pressed the button on the alarm letting it know its job is done I am awake so it can stop now and then made my bed. "Why did I get so many pillows" I complained putting the thousand pillows back to the bed.

Despite the fact that I live in a mansion with 8 or more housekeepers I like managing small things on my own like making my own bed and the idea of someone in my room without me I don't like it so I normally clean my room but once in a while Mrs Jane the only housekeeper I trust cleans it. Actually she wasn't a housekeeper she was like my granny.

My phone pinged on the bedside table asking for my attention I looked down the screen and saw a text from my best friend and only friend Emma.

𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 :

Morning bestie, I think I am coming down with flu, I can't attend classes can't risk spreading the germs. Don't have too much fun without me, okay? and don't forget that I Love You!

𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚 :

I know you're lying, but get well soon. I will miss you. And I Love you too!

This girl always skipping classes we're best friend and hating education is one of the things we have in common. With her parents always away Emma did whatever she wants and my girl always getting distinctions so the school never had a reason to call her parents about her attendance register. I, on the other side with the father I have whether he's around or not skipping school is never a option. And I can't skip school I need every lesson I am not smart.

I finished making the bed and walk to close the patio sliding door. I always leave my patio door open before I go to sleep and close it when I wake up I don't why I do that it's just a habit I guess. It's not like a crazy psycho will come in rape and kill me. I live in a ridiculous large mansion guarded by big men in fancy black suits carrying big guns 24/7 ...so no intruder will ever be able to enter my room. [ I don't live in a mansion but I always leave my patio door and window open I don't know but there's something calming about the air at night]

On my way to the bathroom I kiss Essandro the giant teddy bear my Alessandro got me in my 11th birthday. I don't why he got 5 ft something teddy bear for a kid what if it suffocated me to death while cuddling with it? But its not like I don't love it. Whenever I am sad or feeling lonely I drag Essandro to my bed and cuddle with him.

In the bathroom I did my morning routine and walked out of the bathroom butt ass naked. Even though my room was made of glass walls I know guards outside can't see me, the glass walls were designed in way that only allowed person inside the room to see what's happening outside and the person outside will only see their reflection not what's happening inside.

Mafia's Revenge (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang