
733 31 2

Didn't proofread

❥𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗢𝗩

"Make yourself look better and come down stairs " Cindy said to her daughter who was lying in her bed facing the ceiling

But Lily didn't hear the woman she didn't even hear her barging into her room she was too lost in her thoughts

"Amber " scold Cindy

Now Lily aware of her mother's presence she turn her head to face her mother , "Sorry did you say something ?"

Cindy sighed annoyed she was getting tired of her daughter who been zoning out a lot lately

"Fix yourself and get your ass downstairs " .Cindy didn't even try to hide the annoyance in her voice

"I would like to be alone "

"You know what ? I'm done being gentle with your disrespectful ass Amber .Watch yourself young lady this is the only place you have, keeping you alive be grateful before you find yourself dead in some alley like them homeless people .I want you in the living room in two minutes do your shit Sweetheart trust me imma give you a damn good reason to hate me " spat Cindy

With that she left Lily alone in her room slamming the door shut just to show how pissed she is

Being the coward Lily is she didn't correct her mother when she called her Amber like she normally do

Ignoring her thumping heartbeat she climb off the bed and walks into her bathroom to ' Fix herself '

She washed her face and brushed her teeth and walked out of the bathroom to her closet .She quickly throw on short black dress ,for her hair she just left it in it's morning mess state

She left her room walking little faster than her normal walking pace to the living room.She was supposed to be downstairs in two minutes but she's definitely sure two minutes had long passed

Oh well 'fixing herself ' took her a lot of time

Entering the living room ,her parents were sitting on the long couch and there was a person judging by the hair it was a woman sitting on a single couch her back facing Lily

Lily cleared her throat announcing her presence since no one noticed her

And all three heads turn to face her but one face freeze her body

It was the lady she met at Tim's funeral

"Oh hey you must be Amber " the woman with the face that made Lily body froze said

" Kelly meet my daughter Amber and Amber meet your auntie Kelly " introduced Cindy

Auntie ?

"My what !?"

"I'm your mother's sister "explained Kelly "now come here show your auntie some love young lady " Kelly said grinning at Lily opening her arms

Lily just blankly stare at Kelly .She was really confused . Remembering Kelly's words in the bathroom she sounded like someone ... someone who was really worried about Italian mafia and it's leader but here she is the sister of the American Mafia Donna

That doesn't make any sense . Shouldn't she be happy if the Italian mafia is falling

"Don't be shy sweetheart come on "

The grin on Kelly's face was so big it almost fooled Lily thinking it was really

"I don't like to be touched "

C𝙰𝙿𝙾 𝙳𝙴𝙸 𝙲𝙰𝙿𝙸Where stories live. Discover now