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Didn't proofread,sorry

❥𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗢𝗩

Lily groans in annoyance when she heard knocking on her bedroom door

She grew up in a mansion full of Italian men and women and she remember how good everyone followed instructions

But here she is in a mansion full of American people and looks like none of them could follow instructions

She had respectfully begged her parents after Mrs Rose departure to be not disturb in her room

But now someone is knocking on her door disturbing her

She rolls on her side her back facing the door and ignored the knocking

Maybe whoever is knocking would get lost

But nope the person knocked few more times and when Lily continued ignoring the knocking she hears the handle of the door turning meaning whoever was knocking was trying to enter her room without her permission

Good thing she locked her door

"Open this fucking door Embar " Lily heard her mother's voice shouting from the other side of the door

Still shaken by her mother's threat from early she didn't want to test her mother's patience so she climb off her bed walking over to the door

She unlocks the door and opened it ,the deathly glare sent in her way made her look the wooden floor

"I see you still got attitude issues want me to solve them for you ?" Cindy spat pushing Lily to the side with her shoulder, inviting herself in Lily's room

Lily didn't say anything but she flinches shutting her eyes when she saw her mother raising her hand thinking she was about to get smacked on her face

When she didn't feel any stinging sensation on her face she opens her eyes and saw her mother glaring at her,her arms folded over her ridiculous large plastic breasts

"It's dinner time " announced Cindy

"Oh " Lily said perplexed

Since her staying in the mansion this woman she calls mother never ,I mean never came into her room just to tell her it's dinner time . Something didn't sit well with Lily

"I better see your ass downstairs"

"Thank you for letting me know but i am not hungry "

"You're pregnant you need to eat so let's go " with that Cindy didn't even wait for Lily to say something she just snatched her daughter's arm and drag her downstairs to the dinning room

Lily was confused ,why her mother suddenly cares about her pregnancy ? She knew how much her parents hate the beautiful gift growing inside her

"You're very young Ember you still have dreams to achieve and i know you could achieve them all with me and your mother by your side .Are you sure you want to have the baby ?" Daniel asked looking at his daughter

In the dinning table it was Cindy and her husband,Kelly and Lily everyone was silently eating but the silence broke when Daniel spoke

Feeling herself getting angry by the question ,"yes i am sure" replied Lily emphasising every word her eyes looking straight into her father's eyes

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