chapter 33

507 29 3

Third person POV

"I know my niece. That means she's attacking the American mafia soon. This is the chance we been finally waiting for get yourself ready" with that Kelly hung up the phone and started to get ready for bed

What she didn't see was the pair of light gold eyes watching her through the gap of the door

Lily wasn't stupid. Looks like her aunty who was there for her during the training time encouraging her making her food. Who once Lily believed she cared about her has betrayed her

Now she understand what Alessandro meant when he said in the mafia world there's no such thing called truth

She quickly walked to her room and called Theo to come to her room

They have been staying in a house in th the middle of the forest. It was a small house,but fancy house.

It was Theo's idea to move in to the house because he wanted to train Lily without distractions. He knew people would be coming in and out of the Alessandro mansion to make there are no survivors

It didn't take Theo even a minute to reach Lily's room, wearing Jeans only. It was past 11 pm Theo was just getting ready for bed when his Donna requested for his presence

And Lily's words clearly stated he need to get his ass to her room before a minute passed by so he didn't have time to put on a shirt


"Power changed her" stated Lily to anyone she sounded nonchalant but Theo was not everyone he could clearly read the emotions carried by her voice

"What do you mean ?"

"With that little bit of power I gave her she saw what power could do now she's greedy for more "with each word Lily was getting mad

While Theo's job was to train Lily and run illegal business with Lily for Alessandro. Lily made her aunty Kelly to run legal businesses

"You're talking about Kelly?"

Lily nods before saying, "She knows about me wanting to attack Daniel "

"How? She wasn't there. Red House meetings are classified "

"The only Italian people were there was me and you so how did she know. Did you also betray me Theo ?" Lily asked looking at Theo searching for a answer in his eyes

Theo just gave Lily the blank look. One thing Theo knew is that he would never betray Italian mafia not Alessandro who helped him before

After the staring competition between the two Theo broke the silence, "Do you want me to kill her?"

"No I will burn her along her sister. It's time to end all this shit going on. Italian mafia is falling apart guards are betraying me and now Kelly. It's time to find Alessandro"

Theo didn't say anything

" Find anything on Emily's disappearance"ordered Lily

"Your friend?" Theo asked confused

"Yes. I want to confirm something. Don't get anyone involved do the research by yourself. Tell me something before the sun rise " with that Lily dismissed Theo

It wasn't hard for Theo to search for Emily but he couldn't find anything on her disappearance

" What I find is general knowledge you probably know but nothing on her disappearance"

" Okay let's go "


"Emily's house "

When they reached the house. Lily was welcomed with a slap from Mrs Rose ,"were have you been ? "The woman asked crying

It was hard for her to see Lily. First she lost Emily weeks later Lily also disappeared

"I'm so sorry I had to go. I can't tell you anything yet but I want your help "


"Are you involved with anything illegal ?" Asked Lily

Mrs Rose was shocked she wasn't expecting that question

"Look we're searching for Emily so please be honest with us "

Hearing her Daughter's name brought her out of the shock state, "what ?"

"Were you involved in anything that might have caused you enemies , dangerous enemies?"

"No and my husband is a ordinary school principal he wouldn't have enemies, 'dangerous enemies' unless he punished a wrong kid "

Lily knew that couldn't be a reason for Emily's disappearance. It wouldn't be hard to search for Emily if a student did Something

"What the cops said ?" Asked Theo

"They couldn't find anything. We even tried tracking Emily's car and phone but we found nothing. We offered a lot of money for some one to say anything that could help us but up until this day no one came forward "

" We will found her I promise " Lily said wiping off Mrs Rose's tears with her hand

"I don't know what you're involved in but please be careful. I can't lose you too "

Both Lily and Theo were sitting in the car still parked in Emily's home driveway...

"Did you confirm what you wanted to confirm "

"Yes, Emily wasn't involved in anything dangerous or illegal just like her parents. The only thing that was danger to Emily was me. She was friends with a Donna. She disappeared because of anything related with me "

"Makes sense but what is that thing about you?"

"That is what we need to find out. It couldn't be because I am Donna. That time she disappeared everyone knew who I was they knew I was with American mafia so no one could've kidnapped Emily for information on my whereabout. If they wanted to use Emily to make me give up my position why wait for 5 months. Even if Emily's parents offered money for information nobody said anything you know what that means?"

"There's always a witness but if nobody said anything even for a price it means whoever took Emily is dangerous enough to make a witness think about life before money " replied Theo

"True. Emily was in a wrong place at a wrong time. She must have heard or saw something she wasn't supposed to. If we could find out what she saw or heard we would be getting a step closer to Alessandro and finding my friend"

"You think the person involved with Emily's disappearance is also involved with Don's disappearence? " Theo asked

"Whoever took Alessandro knew many people would be coming after Alessandro's head because it's the key to run Italian mafia so that person made sure to not leave any evidence but with Emily being a ordinary girl having ordinary parents who would depend only on police making her disappear isn't hard. There must be something we could find on Emily something like evidence left behind by a mistake"

"Let's find Emily" with that Theo started the car

"The day she disappeared she was with me in Daniel's mansion so the first step is to find out did she leave the mansion encountered trouble somewhere else or she encountered trouble inside the mansion "

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