chapter 32

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Third person pov

Red House. From outside it looked like the walls are going to tumble down anytime, but Inside the furniture looked very expensive.

If you wanted information about almost every crime around the world ( exaggerating ?I know) Red House is the right place to search.

Red House is a house were mafias, gang leaders or any illegal organisation owning people held meetings.

No one was the leader of all mafias or owned the Red House, but the powerful mafias owned, and made rules.

Italian mafia one was one of the powerful mafias, and the mafia without a Don or Donna for too long it was starting to cause war between other greedy mafias

So today most mafias held a meeting to discuss the future of the
Italian mafia

"My husband should take over the Italian mafia my daughter was a Donna. " Cindy spoke

True most knew the little African American girl is the Donna they saw her wearing the necklace, but they didn't care because it's been months the girl haven't introduced herself as a Donna

"This meeting is ridiculous you all sitting here fighting over my family's mafia. I'm the only De Luca blood left I deserve the throne" spoke Lisa

Cindy bursted out laughing , a mocking laugh, " You ?" She sarcastically asked

Meanwhile outside the Red House door...

"For the last time, are you sure because once you let everyone know who you're there's no going back"said Theo

Theo you knew if Lily exposed her identity again she's not safe people would come after her. He also knew that many are aware that there's a Donna but after Lily disappeared for months there's still a chance for her to remain unknown forever in the mafia world and live a new, peaceful life.

Lily didn't say anything but answered Theo's question by pushing the door open

Lisa was about to say something when the door was pushed open. Cindy's jaw dropped to the ground seeing who just walked in

"Aw y'all having good time alone,why Italian wasn't invited?" Asked ,Lily faking sadness

Truth to be said she knew about the meeting taking place, so she asked Theo to install a bug before the meeting, so she could listen to what was being said in the meeting

But she was getting sick, tired and mad listening to them fighting over Alessandro's place like his dead

"Emma?" Cindy asked looking like she just saw a ghost

It's been months since she last saw her daughter she wasn't expecting to see her, especially in the Red House

While Lilly still looked like a little innocent angel. Wearing a short tennis skirt with a oversized hood that belonged to Alessandro and white Jordans. Her hair still in its curly state but she wasn't that innocent girl anymore

One glare sent to Cindy's way made Cindy understand that whoever standing in front of her eyes today isn't the little girl she used to know

With months of training with Theo now Lily took lives with her own hands, she was slowly turning to a girl version of Alessandro

And she was loving the new version of herself

Lily just ignored Cindy to say she hated that woman would be an understatement of the century to Lily she wanted to burn that woman, watch her burn to death.

And that's exactly how she planned her mother's death and she swore in her heart that no matter what she was going to burn that woman, watch her scream and let her husband eat her

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