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❥𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Both Lily and Emma had searched for Alessandro the entire mansion now they were back from where they started

"Where are you ?"Lily whispered the question looking around the living room as if a sign would pop up and lead them to Alessandro

"It's time to go back Lily he's clearly not here we searched the entire mansion " Emma said

"You go, I will search for him by myself"snapped Lily

She was getting frustrated with everything and she felt like Emma was rushing her because she don't understand how important it is for her to find Alessandro ALIVE

"LILY HE'S GONE !  WE NEED TO LEAVE " it was Emma's turn to snap back

She loves her best friend like to the moon and back probably why she chose to ignore all the dead bodies and get her shoes all bloody and traumatize herself over leaving her friend alone

"I am not holding you Emma you can leave . Alessandro is nothing to you " spat Lily

"Look around you Lily this mansion was attacked everyone shot to death we searched for Alessandro everywhere he's not here whoever attacked the mansion took him . Standing around dead bodies won't bring him back, going back to your parents maybe ask your father to help you search for him is a better idea than keep searching for him here " Emma said

She was aware that Lily's father runs mafia too Lily had told her that and Emma herself had read many stories about Mafia people online and one of the things she learnt from those stories is mafia people have connections so searching for missing person wasn't going to be hard for Lily's father

Lily didn't say anything just silently stared at her best friend defeated .She knew her friend was right

Alessandro was not in the mansion and that gave Lily two thoughts .One Alessandro is dead somewhere or two he's getting tortured to death

Lily walked past Emma without a word heading to the front door .Emma silently follow behind her friend

The girls met Lily's parents Daniel and Cindy and bodyguards outside the mansion

Emma was surprised to see them but Lily wasn't ,she knew they where following them

Lily walks over where her parents were standing . Reaching her parents she stands in front of her father and drops down on her knees

"I know you hate Alessandro probably going to war with him for what he did .I am not asking you to forgive him or anything but please ... help me find him I need him... I-i s-still need him "begged Lily silently crying her head bowed down

"Sweetheart get up "Daniel commanded softly

Daniel was a mafia leader he had lot of people down on their knees begging for their lives in tears and he loved to see them so pathetic

But he hate seeing his DAUGHTER down on her knees begging

"Please I am begging you " spoke Lily .She wasn't planning to get up unless her father said yes or no

Daniel bend down gently grabbing Lily's shoulders and gently forced her up to her feet

"I'll see what I can do "Daniel said

"WHAT !"

Both Daniel and Lily turned to look at Cindy who was  glaring at them both

"Help to find him? The man who kidnapped our daughter for fucking YEARS ? WHY ?! " Cindy screams at her husband

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