Doesn't want to slip

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MORE LITTLE DABI! I have many of these but wont post all here, most are on my AO3 tho. Same username if wanna look there.


Dabi had been doing better mentally since he had started letting himself regress more often. Shigaraki could tell he was being more productive, but more importantly, more open with the rest of the group. He was letting Toga do makeovers with him, talking to Mr. Compress about his dumb magic tricks, even playing some games with both him and Spinner sometimes even if really bad at them. Dabi also spent a lot of time with Twice, as Twice seemed to have a knack for taking care of Dabi when he was little, something Shigaraki may or may not get a bit jealous over on occasions. It was all going good, or so the league had thought. It was a gradual shift, mostly after Magne's passing. A bit of sour moods, a bit of waving off, Dabi saying he was too tired to regress, or locking himself in his room. No one in the league really knew what happened, but the first week they didn't pay much attention to it, just Dabi being Dabi, sneaking off, doing as he pleased, being secluded, probably just hung up over their loss even if it had been over a month by then. Yet with all the time they had previously spent together, it was weird to see the shift in his behavior.

Five times, five times Dabi had acted overly strange or lashed out at them, and that was enough for Shigaraki to find out what was going on.


"Dabi! Wanna do make up with me! I stole a pretty eyeshadow palette that had glitter in it!" Toga had stated, holding up said palette to show the male who slouched against the couch.

Dabi held an annoyed expression on his face, soon to scoff and stand up. "Why the hell would I want to do something like that?" Dabi had argued, leaving the female confused in his presence. He hasn't refused it before, least not so rudely, it was a bit concerning, speaking up to the male. "But you like my makeovers! I even got little hello kitty stickers for us." She had gone to say, lifting a sticker sheet of little hello kitty stickers as stated. Dabi's healthy skin on his face going a bit red as an angered look crossed his expression.

"That shit is for kids, crazy. Just leave me alone." Dabi soon brushed past the female, Shigaraki entering the room just in time for Dabi to hit his shoulder on his rush out. Shigaraki looked back to Dabi as he headed away, then to Toga. "What happened?" He asked the female.

"Dabi got super cranky because I asked him to do makeup with me." Toga had gone to claim but then went to huff out a breath. "If he's going to be a sourpuss, ima just ask Jin."  And she made word on that, skipping off to Twice's room to ask him to join her instead. Shigaraki found it odd, why was Dabi in a bad mood today?


It was getting late, it was already getting dark outside, but Shigaraki and Spinner wanted to continue playing their games, a standard fighting game they hooked up to their television in the base. Toga had already headed off to bed, along with Twice too. Mr. Compress sat at the bar, taking sips of his drink as Kurogiri did some cleaning up. Dabi sat on the couch, head resting in his hand as he watched the two boy's play their game, cursing each other out if the other would win or deal damage. Dabi wasn't really paying much attention, he was tired, eyes slowly blinking as he had a hard time keeping them open.

"I believe it's someone bedtime." A voice had spoken up behind the counter, no mean intent, but a standard observation by the mist consumed male. Even now as of the past two days, dabi hasn't been sleeping at his normal time.

"Not tried." Dabi muttered, getting Shigaraki to look back at him, leading Spinner to win the match with a triumphant grin and pump of his fist. Shigaraki would care in any other circumstance, call Spinner a cheater and demand a rematch, but he was too focused on Dabi, three seconds away from collapsing where he sat. "You sure firefly?" Shigaraki had asked, a hand moving up to scratch at his neck. Dabi didn't like the response the male had given him, eyes narrowing as an annoyed grumble came from his mouth, a quiet, "I'm not little." He spoke up.

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