Dino cookies and grief

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Is another Dabi little space story, don't like, don't read. Takes place after first meeting with Overhaul.
Mostly angst, fair warning!!!


The confrontation wasn't how they expected it to go down. They didn't expect this, Overhaul, to challenge Shigaraki, to want the league under his leadership, they didn't expect such a great loss to happen on their side. Mr. Compress had lost a arm, and Magne had lost her life. None of them we're happy after Overhaul and his team had left, even if Shigaraki had kept the business card, all they could do was think of the loss they had on their side and the threat Overhaul had over them. Big Sis Magne was special to all of them, to Sako she was a partner, to Toga and Twice, she truly was a sister they needed, to Spinner and Shigaraki, she was family. To Dabi, she was many things, but when it came to his little space, all she would ever be referred to is 'mama'.

They had made their way back to the base they were hiding out in, an abandoned house they've been able to fix up a bit for all of them. Wasn't much but it was out of sights from heroes, wasn't in a heavily public area, it worked out for them. Tomura was the first to enter, the others coming in after him, no one able to speak up after that had taken place. The only noise rather than their footsteps, or Twice's and Toga's soft sniffles, was noises coming from the kitchen. Tomura was the first to take notice of it, and unfortunately he knew exactly who it was, and what may be going on. He let out a sigh, scratching a bit against his neck before trailing foreword.

Someone was going to have to tell him, even if they didn't want too.

Walking into the kitchen he saw the male setting things onto the counter, the very way he was walking made it obvious he was in little space. The male's clothing choice of a lose T-shirt and pajama pants, the most comfortable clothes he probably had, but the presence of his dragon plush near the mixing bowl, on the counter, was what gave it away the most. Dabi was quick to notice the blue haired male come in, Dabi seeing the others glancing in from the doorway before walking into the space. He waved, one hand eventually moving up to cover some of his face as if shy to have so many eyes on him, not just Shigaraki. "Hi." He greeted, blue eyes glancing back to the counter before going back to dragging a ring of small measuring cups to the counter. "Almost got everything mama said we need." Dabi had stated, seeming proud in himself for being able to remember all the supplies.

Seeing Dabi having such a burst of energy, seeming to be hopping foot to foot as he traveled around the kitchen area, it was a far cry from how the other members of the league had been feeling. Dabi had raced past Shigaraki and to the entrance way they had entered from, a wide smile on his face as he scanned the hallway outside. Everyone had already entered the room, everyone but the one woman he was so excited to see again. "Where's mama?" Dabi had looked back to the group. Everyone had a sad look on their face, maybe some of pity, but when it came to Toga and Twice, the two looked as if they had just balled their eyes out, even if Twice had been hidden by a mask, the furrow of his brow bone showed it.

Dabi had paused for a moment, looking through the group, even spotting something off with Mr. Compress, or something missing. His eyebrows started to furrow, his smile becoming more concerned, yet that spark of hope still showed faintly. "Mister is hurt." He muttered, "Mama can help before we bake, right? She's good at those things." Was when Mr. Compress had taken off his mask with the hand he had left, his other arm tied and covered by some cloth, to stop any more blood loss. Dabi seeming the sorrowfully expression on the Sako's face made Dabi stop smiling, becoming a bit more panicked, mostly with everyone looking at him in such ways. "Why's... why's everyone sad?"

Shigaraki had scratched a bit more at his neck, looking to the ground for a moment before back up to Dabi. "Dabi, do you think, you can /try/ and be big again? Just for a moment?" Shigaraki had questioned, knowing it wouldn't be good to tell Dabi what happened in such a vulnerable state of mind. Yet even with the request, Dabi was quick to shake his head.

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