Just keep breathing.

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((Not really dabihawks but more of a idea that popped in my head.
Endhawks and some torture (blood and all that) stuff is in this, sooo.. be warned))

Hawks woke up to his phone alarm, waking from his pained sleep. Today was the day, a day he truly wished he could get out of, but that wasn't the case. Today wasn't one to celebrate for, nothing to look kindly on. No, today will be a day to change everything for Hawks.

The blond sat up from his bed, stopping his alarm with a sigh. He stood up, moving to his closet to get dressed. Simple pear of black jeans, a white T-shirt, and a blue hoodie with wavy colorful patterns. He wasn't going to work, he wasn't going anywhere he wanted to, he didn't need fo dress up for this, heck, by the end of it all, clothes will mean nothing.

Once dressed, he went over to look out the window, seeing the figure outside, near a storage van. The shaded figure looked up at the window, smiling up at the sight of Hawks. Wasn't a cheerful smile, wasn't genuine, no, it was sinister, laces with a crazed look in those blue eyes of his. Dabi was filled with joy by this, from what Hawks had seen, Dabi hasn't been more happy.

Hawks just looked down at the man, letting out a soft sigh and walking away from the window. Breath, he had to stay calm and had to get through this, it's what's best. He glanced at the large bed inside the nice room, a amazing room he had great privilege to had gotten to share. He spent so many nice memories here, in this house, he never knew the true meaning of home until he started living here. He went to the nightstand, picking up a picture frame from it. He smiled a bit at the sight.

Keigo, Enji Todoroki, and a beautiful young girl, age of six. Keigo had taken so many pictures that day but this one was his favorite. Endeavor held the red headed girl in his arms, her holding a stuffed pink seahorse, a bright smile on her face. Enji looked handsome as ever, him even smiling a bit in the picture. Then Keigo, taking the selfie with all them in it. It was a nice night, a day enji took off to go to this fair that was in town, Akina had been begging to go ever since she saw the flyer. They had gotten so much food that day and Enji had tried one of the games to give their daughter a stuffed seahorse, only for Keigo to use a feather to cheat a bit, but no one noticed. They got the plushy and that's what mattered. It was a great day, a day that could never be recreated, not anymore at least.

He set the picture down, reaching into his drawer on his nightstand, fishing out a note he had written the other day, hidden from anyone who came in. He set it on the nightstand, a single tear falling from his golden eyes. A goodbye, goodbye to his husband he loved so much, a goodbye to his friends, a goodbye to his daughter he would do anything for. He even retired early to take care of her, broke all ties with the commission so they wouldn't take her away for training, he did everything for her.

Hawks wiped the tear and headed out of the room, taking another shaky breath as he went to get his shoes on, wiping his face once more before leaving the house. "Took you long enough." A cold yet amused voice stated, the villain leaning back against the van with a stretched smirk on his face. "Aren't you supposed to be fast, Birdie?" The man had teased, pushing himself from the truck, sliding the side door open.

"Awe come on, today's my special day, I should be able to go slow for a change." Hawks had added in a joking tone, a smile showing on his face as he went into the truck, sitting in the back. As much as he tried to smile, joke around, the dread he felt showed in his eyes, was hard to hide. Dabi had moved to join him, sliding the door shut and sitting across from him. "That and without work, finally get a chance to slow down."

"Maybe the old man should have retired instead, get two heros out of the way." Dabi had said, the car starting to move after Dabi hit the wall of the car, the part separating the driver from the two of them.

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