A New Friend

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few things, first hi. I moved to AO3 so I've been a bit silent here but I have many finished stories to share! This one is my pride and joy, so I'll give it first. Shigadabi! Bc I love this ship— btw, this has some nsfw stuff, be aware!!!!


Tomura always felt drawn to the beach, maybe because he and his sister used to enjoy playing at the beach when they visited their summer house on vacations. They would build sandcastles and run away from the waves as they hit the sand, but Hana always enjoyed collecting seashells. But something always drew Tomura closer to the water than the activities they do in the sand. It was like a calling, but he was never allowed to go too far out, it was dangerous, his mother would tell him that at least.

Even as an adult he would travel to the beach near his house, him and his friend both sharing a place. It was a nice place, two stories with a pool outside. Shuichi normally was out at work late at night, the only times Tomura really had any down time, but Tomura still liked to take night strolls on the beach. Yet his normal path came across something he couldn't believe. He knew they existed, everyone did, some were even held in captivity because people wanted to study them or watch them for entertainment. But he had never seen one lose before.

Tomura rounded the corner of his normal trail, and what he saw got him to jump back. There was a merman, a creature that was deemed very dangerous to humans, yet the creature was on the sand, bleeding from its long tail, hollowing in agony as it squirmed on the sand. "Hey, you okay?" Tomura didn't show any threat or fear as he neared the creature, but it gave a bad response anyway. The creature bared sharp teeth, giving a threading hiss. "Hey, I'm going to help you, I'll get your tail out." Tomura pointed at the jagged net that was hurting the creature, digging into his scales roughly. It seemed to understand what Tomura was trying to say, but showed hesitation, whistling as it tried to shift again, tail spreading as long as it could within its bonds. Tomura got onto his knees, slowly inching closer. Its tail slapped against the sand a few times, a whimper leaving the creature's mouth. "It's okay, not going to hurt you."

The creature was trembling, but stayed where he laid, Tomura wasn't even sure if he could move too far if he wanted to. "Nice and easy." He got to the long white tail, seeing the blue and red stripes that went across it in a random pattern. The red fins looked rather torn up, making Tomura wonder if once they ran all the way down his back and tail. The male ran a hand down the scales of the tail, it was still damp and slimy. The creature whimpered again, Tomura petting the scales to try and soothe it, until he reached for the netting. "This will hurt only for a moment."

A distressed call had been made by the creature once the net was being pulled off, his tail flailing in the sand, Tomura trying to calm him down and bring pressure to the wounds with his hands. "Hey hey, it's over, just let me wrap it up." Tomura always held bandages with him, mostly for his neck and hands, things he hurt far too often and sometimes needed to patch up right away. It was a habit since Hana used to carry them around when they were kids, wanting to care for her younger brother. He guessed it was a good thing she passed down to him.

The creature stopped moving his tail again and let Tomura wrap up the end of his fin where the net dug into the worst. It wasn't too bad, the netting thankfully wasn't that deep or in too bad of a place, at least Tomura hopes so, he was no expert when it came to merfolk. After bandaging the creature up, he looked at it, blue eyes scanning its  fixed up tail. The creature sat up more, lifting its tail to see it. The creature spoke in weird sounds first, calls and whistles. Yet once it noticed that the human had no idea what they were saying, they tried again.

"Fix?" It spoke, surprising Tomura, not knowing merfolk could speak, it coming as a surprise to him.

Tomura nodded, "Yeah, all fixed up." A chirp left the merman's throat, it soon shifted to crawl closer to Tomura, and before the male could move away, he was trapped in a hug. Tomura had fallen back to the ground because of the weight, giving a groan. He could hear a purr coming from the creature, Tomura wondering if this was the creature's way of a thanks. "You got a name?" Tomura had asked, not knowing how else to address the creature.

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