Baby birdie

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Thank you for the request @poekielover, hope you enjoy it
(Maybe I'll do a little part 2 where Keigo is back to normal later.)


Today started normal for hawks. He got up early to start off his patrol, he did a few missions and team ups, and everything was even falling in his favor. Today was going good and he couldn't complain at all. That's when the day took a complete twist.

Was nearing the end of the day, sun setting while hawks was on the ground, walking the streets on patrol. He let out a soft sigh, looking up at the sky, it's color shading to a darker color by the minute. Another successful day, him now debating what he should do for dinner tonight. Maybe he'll drop by a fast food place and pick up some chicken, he didn't feel like making anything special.

As he thought it through, a ear piercing scream could be heard, him getting alerted and quickly moving to the air to search out the cause of the scream. He soon found a woman, long grey hair and big black glasses covering her eyes. He went over to her, her sitting down with her arms around her leg. She must be injured, Hawks assumed.

"What's wrong? You okay?" He asked calmly, needing to calm the woman down and figure out how to help. He saw no one around though and there was no sign of a injury either. It was weird, but only then did he feel her hand pushing him closer, by his jacket, the woman having taken off her glasses to look hawks straight on, gold meeting glowing baby blue. Hawks couldn't look away, soon feeling a wave of tiredness wash over him. Before he knew it, he collapsed to the road, knocked out completely.

The woman giggled lightly, bringing her glasses back on. Soon another person would come forward, them having snake like scales covering their body and blond colored hair. "Good work, now we just have to take him back." The man spoke, seeing as the unconscious form was shrinking in size, the woman's quirk effecting him just like planned, turning the hero into a young child right before their eyes.

The girl smiled, scooping the now five year old into his arms, Hawk's shirt and jacket staying wrapped around him. "He's cute like this, but the money we'll get for his return will be much better." She snuggled closer with the young boy, a wide smile on her face. "You're going to make us so rich little birdie, yes you will."

"No he won't." He deep voice trailed from the abandoned streets, both villains looking up to spot one of the most wanted villains in Japan, Dabi. The snake quirked male looked at Dabi with shock, as his teammate protectively kept the child close.

"We did the work, you're not ss-stealing him, s—ssstitch boy!" His tongue shows through his words, it being more snake like then human.

Dabi rolled his eyes and sighed, bringing his hands up, blue flames igniting on both palms. "Hand him over or you'll both be fried."

The woman frowned, looking back over at the man for a moment. A few tears fell from her eyes, her soon letting the child down on the street, the little blond staying passed out. "T-there, take him, please leave us alone!" She begged, soon grabbing the man's hand. The man argued but the girl forced him to follow, them both now running away.

Dabi sighed, setting out the fire a he neared the sleeping child, kneeling down to pick him up. "You have to be more careful, birdbrain." He grumbled, grabbing the rest of the hero's clothes then heading down the street to safer grounds. "And stop dragging me into your messes." He huffed.


Touya brought the hero, now child, to the run down apartment Dabi called home. Wasn't perfect, but it had a mattress, a working fridge, Dabi even was able to install a small tv and make it work. It was home. Dabi had laid the child down on the mattress in the small bedroom, letting him rest. He didn't have any clothes that would fit the small figure, so he just used a plain white T-shirt and hoped it would work out for the time being. Was big on the frail child, as it was Touya's shirt. But the boy's boney figure was very concerning. He didn't know how long this quirk would last, but he knew it couldn't be forever. Until those effects were gone, he was going to have to care for this kid. He couldn't leave Hawks for dead, he cared for the bird to much to do that.

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