Little Secret 2/3

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Part two :)
Name calling


Shigaraki felt they had accomplished the quest to get supplies for the league. Shigaraki was able to grab tons of food from the house for them all and even break the safe in one of the closets, getting some cash as well. He was able to stock up on things, yet Dabi did more for himself then the actual league. He was able to take a few sets of clothes he found, few blankets for them, and jewelry to sell, but after that it was all things his little side had wanted. It wasn't bad, they got food and that's what mattered, but there was a cost of Dabi unwilling falling into little space in that house.

In the new hideout the league had required, they were able to fix up a old television that was there, them needing to be able to watch the news to see if anyone was catching into them, speaking of them, or to know anything more of the heros. Toga and Dabi also were foud of cartoons, Toga loving to spend that time with Dabi, it being a true time for them to bond while Dabi was little. Compress loved to watch his drama shows and Shigaraki was even able to hook up a game system Kurogiri was able to steal for him. The television was a great part of this base, them sometimes even spending time together just to watch bad tv shows in free time.

As of that day, two days after they had done their scavenging mission, they were all in the living space of the abandoned location, Dabi and Kurogiri in the side kitchen along side the living space, Dabi at the bar counter as kurogiri was in the kitchen. Toga was with Twice, them on the couch talking about nonsense that most people were tuning out. Shigaraki was seated on the floor in front of the couch, watching as the news went on over a recent hostage situation that a hero had taken care of. Was all fine, until the next story had come up.

"Two days ago a break in had occurred on —— street, the league of villains had broken into the house and stole many belongings within the house. Yet what was caught on camera and found when the family returned would surprise you-"

Dabi had been drinking a glass of whiskey as his ears picked up on what was being said on the news. Everyone who was in the room, all their gazed set to the television as the story went on. Toga and Twice had been delayed in spotting the news, yet as everything became quiet, Dabi turned to look to the television.

"Pictures and security footage had picked up in the hightly wanted villain Dabi acting childishly on the seance. This picture was found drawn on the wall, thought of to be drawn by the villain himself." The woman had explained, a picture of the drawing having popped up in screen.

Everyone's gazed except Shigaraki's had traveled to Dabi for a moment, yet was soon before the tv went on again and grabbed their attention again.

"There was a nanny cam in the child's room and this footage had been sent to the police for investigation. We will now show the footage that was brought in." Was the child's room, all recorded from the shelf. Was all he did, kicking open the door, the pause, then when he slipped. All for everyone to see, right there. Dabi's skin went pale at the sight. Shigaraki had glanced to Dabi for a moment, seeing the male in such a tense state.

After the video had stopped it was cut back to the two people in the news station. "There are a few theories on this behavior but it had been stated that there is a possibility the villain either has a condition called Dissociative identity disorder, or is what is called a Littlespace, one who would go into a child like mindset." The news caster had stated. The man in the room had even pitched  in, not making matters any better. "Guess this top villain truly can be as harmless as a child in times." The man let out a chuckle.

It was cruel, to say he was harmless like that, that phrase being what broke Dabi.

Dabi had thrown the glass across the room, getting the other's to jump in surprise. "Bullshit, I could burn him and his whole family if I wanted to!" The villain had stated in anger. It was embarrassing, it was shameful to Dabi that know everyone knew this part of him. How was he supposed to have people fear him if they knew of his little space? No one but the league was supposed to know, but now everyone knew.

"Dabi, calm down, everyone knows you can-" Toga had brought up, heading closer, but Dabi had gotten up from his chair, shoving her aside. Toga fell to the ground from the force, yet didn't fight back.

"No, now they think I'm just some fucking kid!" Dabi had spat, some steam fuming from his scars.

Shigaraki got up from where he sat. "Dabi, calm down, who cares if they know, only make it more unexpected when you actually defeat them-"

"You-" Dabi had stated, looking back to Shigaraki with anger on his face. He felt so frustrated, so ashamed. He didn't want people I know. "You could have fucking stopped me, yet you didn't! Now everyone knows! You said no one was ever going to figure out!"

"Like hell, we had to separate to get more supplies, it was smarter that way." Shigaraki had stated back, bringing a hand up to scratch at his already damaged neck.

Dabi stayed there for a moment, before kicking over a bar stool near the counter he previously was at. It was his fault, now everyone was going to think he was weak. "Now everyone knows and I'm going to be looked down on because of it. Thanks a lot!" He yelled at Shigaraki before storming off.

Toga had tried to get up from the ground, eventually standing but it was to late. "Dabi!" She called out, but stayed standing in her place as she heard the door slam shut. "Shiggy, what do we do?" The female had pointed out desperately.

Shigaraki glared at the door, a redness forming on his skin where he scratched. "If he wants to be a brat, he'll deal with it himself." Shigaraki walked off further into their abandoned house to head to his own room. He couldn't think, he was just as stressed. He could have done something yet now a top member was known as a little, he didn't know how to approach that, he was still new to being a caregiver. Now Dabi was upset and he didn't know how to help him. He knew he should go out to try and find and calm down Dabi, yet he didn't have the mind to.


Dabi didn't know how long he had been walking for, yet he had punched enough walls to make his knuckles bruised and bloody. Shigaraki had promised him he wouldn't let this slip, promised no one outside of the league would know of his little space, yet now everyone knew. He wasn't against his little space, it truly was helpful for him and Shigaraki had been a amazing caregiver to him even if the beginning had been very rocky for them, but he still didn't want people knowing. It could be used against him, even be seen as a weakness. He was supposed to be a powerful villain, not a child.

"Awe, look who it is, the baby of the hour." A voice had stated from behind him, a few other voices laughing along with the comment. Dabi didn't turn around, but could hear them nearing close. "What's wrong, going to cry? Listen /kid/, we want part of the league of villains, so go craw to your daddy and tell him, or else you'll be in time out mister." The man had spoken again, laughter following afterwards.

When no words had come from Dabi, a man had scoffed, walking closer. "Hey, you hear me? You deaf too or something?" A shoulder had touched Dabi's shoulder, but quickly retract, as if touching a hot stove. Dabi was soon to turn around, bringing a hand up to easily grab onto the man's neck and ignited him into flames. The three men who witnessed it eyes widened, watching the man burn into ask.

Dabi was silent at the screams were heard, bringing his hand up to send a burst of flames to the men who tired running away, all setting a blaze and ending up as nothing as ash. "All of you deserve to burn." He commented, letting out a sigh afterwards as he stated walking away,  a wound under his eye opening and bringing some blood to drip down his cheek. "Bastards."

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