Ill fix you

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Infection ))

How did things end up like this? First thing Hawks knew, he was at the meeting spot, waiting for Dabi to appear, but then everything went black without warning. Everything was blurry when he woke, everything dark, their being a smell of cigarettes and alcohol in the air that made his nose scrunch up in discuss. It was horrid here.

That's not even mentioning the the pain, oh the pain. His head aced horribly, along with a burning sensation on his back. His hands and knees felt as if a million of small cuts were on them. His eyes stung and his abdomen could barely move without ounces of pain shooting through him.

Hawks tried so sit up, but the clanging on iron caught his attention, causing a ringing headache to be more noticeable then before. He groaned, trying again to get up, yet realized a thick metal around his neck, him about to spread his wings to fight the restrains, but nothing. The blond froze completely, a look of dread coming upping him. He shakily brought his hands to try and feel around his back. Nothing, nothing but two torn off skin strips on his back.

The pain he felt in that moment was more then any physical pain he's ever felt in his life. This wasn't like a few feathers burned off, not like how his normally had gone and regrown, this was worse. The pain was deeper, there weren't even little stumps of feathers, their was nothing. As if his wings were pulled off his back, then the skin burned to a crisp to leave no remains but charred flesh and blood.

"Seems you're finally up" a deep voice spike within the dark room. The uncanny voice was much more horrifying in this instance. Keigo would hear that voice constantly during their meetings, in casual conversation, sometimes late at night. But now, it seemed more as if death himself was speaking to him.

"Not even a hello? Pretty rude for a hero, Keigo." The man spoke, footsteps being heard echoing in the room, no sign of light anywhere. Soon a flicking would be heard, a light over head of Keigo being heard.

Keigo squinted at the sudden light, it just causing more pain. Once he adjusted he could get a look around and analyze his surroundings. He was chained by his neck to a concert ground, inside a large room that seemed to once be a run down ER room, possibly a old hospital the league had taken over without notice. Their were tables of medical tools, dusty cabinets holding bottles and jars of who knows what. Some even looked like they were moving?!?

Then there he was, the man himself, Dabi. He was standing near the door, leaning against the wall with one hand in his jeans pocket, then other handing lose by his side. The villains smirk just haunted Hawks, Dabi just looking down at the pitiful sight of Hawks. "What's with that look? You normally are so confident."

Keigo glared up at the other, his hands covering his bare chest, him in nothing but his pants. So many cuts layered his skin now, some from old interactions with villains, some new that seemed to just be weeks old. The worse one running from his bellybutton and up his stomach, seeming to be stitches, new, painful.

"Why did you do?" Was what hawks asked, not even cornered of the reason the other knew his name, that's not important until he got out. First priority was to get free of these chains. His comment only got Dabi to snicker, making closer to the other, kneeling down to his level. "I did nothing, but I won't speak for the rest of the league" he stated, bringing his fingers to pinch Keigo's chin, making him look into those deep blue eyes.

"Well, all I truly did was rid of those pretty wings of yours, but they were in the way" he patted the man's cheek, soon standing back up, heading to the door. "I'll be back in a moment, Birdie, just don't move to much, you may hurt it" he then walked out.

It? Hurt what? Keigo watched the other leave, but once that door was closed, he went to pull at the chain that kept his on the ground, trying to get off his knees to his feet, but pain would just grow through his body. He bit his lip to hold back screams, yet the pain was unbearable. He soon fell to his side, his hands hugging around us stomach. His back arched as he rolled to his back on the ground. He soon couldn't hold the scream, yelling out in agony as the pain ate away his insides. Tears perked up in his eyes, soon streaming down his face. What was this pain?

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