Missing you

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Sorry for the other Shigaraki x Dabi story, but I really do like this ship. Added with angst, it just something I love to write. It is pretty short but I really wanted to write something about this concept.


Having to see his boss, Shigaraki, his boyfriend, in the glass vat, hooked up to tubs and wires, it was heartbreaking. Dabi didn't get much time to see Shigaraki anymore since the procedures had began, he had to go through the doctor, Ujiko, to even see the male, and Dabi hated that man. Dabi did make time though, getting to sit next to the tank that Shigaraki was in. If he wasn't able to see the tube along his mouth moving, he could have assumed Shigaraki be dead in there. It looked terrible, Dabi didn't know how he could let this happen, but strength was what was promised, strength and power. He knew if anyone could go through it, it be Shigaraki.

Dabi didn't get much information on what all Ujiko was doing to him, but he knew he was trying to get stronger in preparation for their up coming attacks, the war they would start. Once it was all over, Shigaraki had promised safety for them all, a better life, Dabi having known it was true, the symbol of the gold ring along his finger a statement of that. He was going to get through it, but waiting here, seeing Shigaraki unconscious in the tank, he couldn't help but be impatient.

Standing in front of the tank, hands tucked in his pockets, he looked up to the male, a smile coming to his face. "Hey boss, you still alive in there?" Dabi had mused, yet like any time he spoke, he got no reply, not even a fidget or a glance. "You better be, backing out now wouldn't look so good on you." Dabi had added, bringing his hands out of his pockets to cross his arms over his chest.

Every single time he would speak, talk to Shigaraki, he got nothing back in return. He had a feeling the other could hear him, he wasn't certain but he had the feeling he wasn't just talking to the glass. Any time he asked for a sign, he get nothing back, but he still wanted to believe Shigaraki was listening to him, he wanted him to be. "Surprised Toga hasn't fought her way to see you yet." He stated, moving to sit down on the hard ground, knowing like most times he would stay as long as he could. "But her and twice have been hanging out a lot, he's probably comforting her a lot more than I see." Dabi explained, starting to mess with the band along his finger, gliding his fingers over it.

Was a nice day when Shigaraki gave it to him, one night Dabi brought him out to star gaze with him on the roof. It was peaceful, then Shigaraki spoke of all that was to come, how they would send their message out, how he would get stronger and win the war with Dabi along side him. Then after, when they would have the world to themselves to rule, as equals, together until death. Was pretty cheesy when Dabi thought back to it, but he knew Shigaraki meant it.

"Pretty rough without you though, that ice bitch is hard to work with, he's such a show off." Dabi had continued, looking back up to the man floating in the liquid inside the tube. "Don't like any of these people honestly, was hard enough getting used to all of you guys." He shook his head, looking back down. Was a few minutes, but Dabi had spoken up again. "I miss you, you know that?" He glanced back up. "Gotta at least show me somehow you're listening, like move something or say anything, come on boss." He shifted closer, bringing a hand to the glass of the tank, looking up to the other.

Shigaraki was definitely getting stronger already, if the muscles wasn't a give away already, but Dabi was going to miss something about the scrawny male he use to know. How he could easily carry the other, how he could tower over the other to mess with him. Looks didn't matter, but those small things, Dabi couldn't even do because of the glass separating them now. With all that would happen, would they even have time to play video games together? To star gaze or just simply have their dumb arguments? Once it was over maybe, but once the world was theirs, would they even have time for each other?

"Don't leave hanging, boss, do something." He called out, hand curling to a fist as he hit against the tank, eyebrows knitting together as he kept his gaze locked on the other. "Please."

Nothing, like the last time, and the time before that, and the time before that.

Dabi let his gaze drop, his grip loosening. He let out a soft chuckle, yet the numb gaze in his blue eyes stayed even as a smile showed. "You better make up for this once you're out, asshole." Dabi went to stand, glancing back up to the other. He kept his hand resting against the glass, it being the closest he will ever get when Shigaraki was in the tank. He couldn't stay any longer, he had a meeting he was forced to be at, speaking to the number two hero himself yet again. He knew the man was a traitor, but he was getting good information. He won't be to hard to deal with once he reveled himself.

"I'll be back tomorrow. Don't disappear on me, boss." He stated, giving one last look up to Shigaraki, his long white hair scattered along the liquid in the tank, his dry skin and scarred lips. He was about to speak again, but the three words didn't leave him, he couldn't get himself to speak anymore. He let out a sigh and started heading off, once again leaving Shigaraki in the dark room, yet Dabi was the one who felt lonely after leaving.

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