Ruff day

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((This is short and something I wrote on the spot. Probably messed up a ton, just don't have it in me right now. Will try and make other stories better. Sorry for the delay))


"I'm fucking done!" Hawks had slammed the door open upon his entrance to the house that he had been living within. "I can't fucking do this anymore-" his voice was breaking, a fired rage showing in his eyes. His cheeks were red, eyes acing because of the tears that spilled from them. His wings were messed up, feathers poking through the wrong places and some falling from his wings. His hair was a mess, his eyes puffy and his cheeks red. "How do they expect me to do everything when I already can't do what I'm supposed to do-"

He stormed into the house and down the hallway, forcing his tattered coat off and tossing it to the floor. He grabbed his yellow visor and headphones, throwing them against the wall of the hallway, the visor breaking as the headphones dented the wall a bit. "Fucking bullshit! They are changing everything- I can't handle it any longer!" His voice cracked as more tears started to spill, him entering his bedroom and going over to collapse on the bed, hugging his pillow to his face as he screamed into it. He curled up into himself, keeping his face in the pillow as he sobbed and screamed into it, feeling so much anger and stress come out, him unable to hide it in his state.

Over his own rage, and the blasting headache that was hitting him, he didn't hear the other walk into the bedroom. "Ruff day?" A voice asked, getting Keigo to try and sink more into his pillow, not wanting to deal with socializing right now. He always had to deal with everything, no matter now he felt. Always had to smile for the citizens and show off how amazing he was. He couldn't be the real him, he had to he 'Hawks' not Keigo. It was always fake, stress building up and he had no way of dealing with it. He was to busy, always busy, nothing was okay. He couldn't show real emotion, he wasn't aloud, the commission would be on his ass if he did.

"Haven't heard you cuss since... well, been awhile, hasn't it, Birdie." The deep voice got closer, a weight shifting on the bed to indicate he had moved to sit down next to the other. A hand began to rub up and down Keigo's back, carful of the wings as they were sensitive. After a moment of silence, the only noise being Keigo's occasional sobs, the voice popped up again. "Want to talk about it, Kei?"

Hawks shook his head, but moved his arms and shifted to hug the waist of the man next to him. A tall male with scar surroundings his body, a man Keigo went to all the time when upset, a man he loved more then anyone. Dabi may have been a villain, but they have connected very well over the interactions they shared, soon bonding enough to be boyfriends. Was normal for Dabi to come into Hawk's house and be there with him, but what wasn't normal was Keigo showing his real emotions to this degree.

Hawks buried his face into the waist of the other, Dabi feeling the wetness of tears on his shirt. He brought a hand to play with the blond locks of hair, soon looking up to see the messed up state of his wings. It looked so painful. "How bout we take it easy tonight, I'll make some chicken nuggets while you can take a nice bath. Then we can eat and watch a movie." Dabi had suggested, bringing his hands to gently prop Keigo up so he could sit down, him now seeing the tear stained face of the hero. He looked tired, stressed, it was heartbreaking. It was always so sad to see his boyfriend in such a state, but Keigo had helped him a lot through bad times, and he always return that affection.

Hawks had nodded, sniffling as he brought his hands to wipe the tears from his eyes. "Okay-" his voice cracked, but he looked up when he felt Touya's hand caressing his cheek, Touya having lent in to give a soft kiss on the other's lips before getting up.

He helped Keigo find some comfortable and warm clothes then sent him off to take his bath. Dabi went to the kitchen to make some chicken nuggets, putting the food into a air fryer to warm them up. Wasn't long before they were done, him hearing the bathroom door open not long after as well. He played the food, grabbing some medicine for Keigo's headache and a glass of water as well. He then headed to the bedroom, seeing Keigo back on the bed, sitting with his knees hugged to his chest and hugging a pillow. His crying had died down but his cheeks were still a bit rosy.

Dabi went over to the bed and got next to him, placing the plate down and handing over the pills and water. He then reached for the remote to find a movie for them. Hawks took the pills after a second and drank the water, setting the glass down on his nightstand. He would soon move to hug the other, Dabi bringing a arm around his shoulders. They watched a Disney movie, Keigo liking the happy endings and nice stories. They ate most the chicken nuggets and eventually Keigo had tuckered himself out and fell asleep against his boyfriend.

Let's just say, Dabi didn't let Keigo go to work the next day, making it a day of self care.

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