|A Bond Between Souls Is Ancient, Older Than The Planet.|

Start from the beginning

"If you must know, Artemis called for me." His brother sniffed, checking his reflection in the mirror and letting the cloth in his hand burn as he focused back on the pathway in front of him. Hermês made a mental note that summonings could knock people out of the trance. "The others are still fighting. When I was leaving, Athênê and Aphroditê were teaming up against Arês. I do not doubt that Father would be calling for them to stand before him as he sent us to retrieve you lest they destroy half the world in their fight."

Hermês refused to be guilty about that. They were trying to keep him away from his blessing; she who was his god-given right!

Huákinthos turned to him with a sly smile, "It has been two years, Ermís, and we still know little of your khaos-blessed." He leaned his head on one hand while his other was grasped into Apollôn's hand. His lavender-shaded eyes were soft and Hermês could see how so many people had fallen for him. (He also knew that it was for this reason that Apollôn was happy that he was his blessing and knew that his brother lorded it over Boreas and Zephyros while Huákinthos turned a blind eye to that.)

"What do you want to know?"

"Whatever you want to tell me."

"Well," Hermês mused. "She's going to fit right in with the rest of the family. I won't lie. It hasn't been easy getting to know her. She's reluctant to talk about herself, but when she does... Listening to her talk is like listening to an impromptu song from Apollôn and the Mousai. She likes learning about any and everything and yet, doesn't care about any of it. She's so beautiful and that irritates me because I know other people think the same." He recalled her words from the dance. A booking site. Ha! He'd crashed it every time and kill any one that was not him that signed up. "Having her gaze on me makes me feel invincible and vulnerable all at the same time." His voice trailed off as he thought his blessing. There was a little desperation within as he tried to push at whatever was blocking her from him. He knew that she wasn't dead. Being a Khthonioi god made it easier for him to know that she had not joined those that dwelled in Haidês' home.

When he emerged from his thoughts, he was a bit startled to see that they were beginning to descend upon Westover Hall. He could see Artemis and her hunters lingering on the ground. The two demigods that Leaneíras had been there for were also there. With but a glance, he could see the blessing of Artemis that weaved itself around the girl while the boy looked away from her stubbornly. As they began descend, he found himself thrown out of the car as it quickly transformed into Apollôn's red convertible Maserati Spyder. Hermês and Huákinthos shared a grimace knowing that he was going to draw forth the persona that kept anyone from looking too closely to find any weakness. (It wasn't as if the two of them plus his Mother and Sister and Asklêpios were not his biggest most glaring weaknesses.)

As Apollôn parked, Hermês landed at its side, eyes finding his elder sister's immediately. Her eyes held a bit of sympathy and righteous rage within them. He knew that he could count on her above anyone that would stand at his side to find Leaneíras. He found the same look in the eyes of Dáphnē as she made her way to Artemis' side.

Apollôn and Huákinthos stepped out of the car, wide smiles on their faces. Huákinthos quickly approached Dáphnē, giving her a tight hug while ignoring the glares of the Hunters before stepping away until he was back at Apollôn's side.

"Wow," Hermês could hear his youngest sibling, Thalia, murmur. "Apollo is hot."

A smirk flittered onto the aforementioned god and Huákinthos' face quickly before disappearing back into their charming smiles.

"He's the sun god," Perseus said. Hermês would have found this amusing if it weren't for the fact that Leaneíras was missing and she wasn't there to with a teasing quip to give her brother.

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