Chapter 17: Off shores

Start from the beginning

When he was about to ordered the ship to head back to America, he saw the eyes of a child and many citizen of Fenn, they were really desperate, it will scar him for life that he let these innocent to die.

"Stay, we will engage the enemies fleets"

He ordered. Many crew were shocked at his decision.

"But sir! You know what this mean right!? This planet doesn't had something like Geneva convention! You may get demoted from your position and.. and the worst is what those guy will do to us if we lose to them! Please reconsider, Admiral!"

"I do not care about my position, we must save those civilian! I will not let them die!"

The Admiral shouted. The crew were silence for the moment and they complied.

"There will be no restrictions"

Admiral Kay said. USS Spruance and her legacy, her names will strike the Parpaldian into their very fears.

Location: West of Fenn, outside of Civilized area
23rd August, 1632, 12:00 PM

It was a harsh resistance from the Fennese navy, while they destroyed almost of all of enemies ships, they also took heavy casualties. Parpaldia lose 5 Dios class ironclad, 2 Coal class Cruiser and 1 supply ship. Captain, Washinashi. He is observing the scenery of his destroyed enemies.

"These uncivilized babarian, they keep advancing and more the threat they become to us"

"I agree, Captain" said the Admiral, Poquetoire.

"I still wonder why those 3rd foreign department didn't crush these babarian out of our problem"

"Maybe, they didn't want to lose their job?"

Washinashi replied and then laughed.

"Nothing is more true than what you said" Remarked the Admiral.

"Sir, is that a ship over there?"

Captain and Admiral then pulled their binoculars out, amidst the smoke and fire of the destroyed Fennese fleets, a lone ship presented.

"Is that ship with Fenn?" Captain Washinashi mumbled.

"Look like we got unwanted company, alert our Wyverns" 

Parpaldian Wyverns overlord quickly flew toward the unknown ship, more than 20 Wyverns overlord were flying toward it.

"This is 111st Wyverns knight orders, we're closing in to identified the unknown ship"

Captain of the 111st Wyverns knight, Reckmeyer said into his man-portable magicomm.

"Please, proceed the mission, you may attack the ship if necessary"


Reckmeyer replied. 111st Wyverns knight is flying toward their inevitable doom.

"Sir, we got bogey on radars, it seem like ordinary Wyverns is also capable of permitting a radio wave"

"Huh, i didn't expect that, are they hostile?" Kay asked.

"Seem like it sir, they numbers 36, all heading toward us"

"Ready the anti-air procedure, get them out of the skies"

While a ship from other countries is leaving the area, Gahara's wind dragon is still on the skies.

"Parpaldian.. these humans, when will they learn that there's nothing good in war" the wind dragon scoffed.

"It a nature of human as a race, nobody can change it" Susanoo replied.

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