His breathing is shakey. I cuddle up to him in an attempt to comfort him.
"Please don't leave this job Cora. I wanna see you everyday. You give me the love nobody else will. Please- don't leave me."
Tears come to my eyes. He's treated so unfairly it physically breaks my heart.

"I won't Bill. You will get the love you deserve with me. I promise to never hurt you. You're so mistreated it hurts me physically."
He holds me close to his face. I can barely see his eyes through the darkness of the room. Looking into his eyes. He's staring right back at mine. He grabs my waist and pulls me against him.

I cuddle my head into his chest and I hear his heartbeat calm down as I'm laying on him. He's calm now, his breath's still a little shaky but he's alright for now.
"Please stay here."
He says.
"I will."
Before I know it, we're both asleep cuddled up together.


*The next day*

*Cora's POV*

I wake up to Bill's arms still wrapped around me, in the same position as we fell asleep in. I look up to him, he's still sleeping. His face is in the sunlight once more. His flawless skin, his perfect nose, his beautiful pink lips, his perfect face is shining and I could honestly just kiss him.

My mind wanders off to the thought and I kiss him. He wakes up and I jump, immediately regretting what I just did.
"C-Cora? What was that?"
He asks, his eyes still closed.

"Nothing. I'm going to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth."
He rolls back over and I walk away. I close the door and look at myself. His black makeup smudged on the side of my face like he did something.

"Too bad I was asleep for it."
I whisper to myself. I shift my eyes to the bags underneath them. I remember crying with him. I peer down to my lips. I rinsed my face to wake me up, washing my left over makeup off too. I brushed out my hair, it was a tangled mess. Then I brushed my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror one last time.

I almost jump out of my skin. Bill is towering over the door waiting for me.
"You scared the fuck out of me."
I say, my heart about beating out of my chest from fear. He giggles.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to."
He stops me from leaving. I look up into his eyes. Black makeup everywhere, and his eyes are puffy, still red.

"Oh Bill. Lets get you cleaned up honey." He follows me into the bathroom. I cringe at myself for saying that. I grab a rag from the cabinet and run it under warm water, I begin to rub his face gently scrubbing the makeup off his face. It reveals his true beautiful face. I almost pass away.

He's so handsome. I look into his maple eyes as the sun shines from the bathroom window down into them. He closes his eyes as I gently go over them. I rinse the rag out and get the last few spots on his neck that I spread from his tears being on my face. His hair had hairspray in it so I told him to take a shower.

He obliged and I left the bathroom giving him his privacy. I waited on the bed for him. When he finished, I heard the shower turn off. I heard the curtain open and his feet hitting the floor. I hear the towel come off the rack. Not long after, he calls for me.

"Cora can you come in here?"
I come into the bathroom and turn around immediately. He has no shirt, and his towel is wrapped around his waist. I can see his tattoo perfectly, amd his sharp v-line. I hide my blushing face.
He only laughs.
"It's okay, I need your help with something."

He grabs my hand and leads me towards him. He hands me a towel.
"Can you help me dry my dreads?"
I nod. I begin to rub them, squeezing the water out as it drips out and falls onto my hands. The steam from the room surrounds us like a movie scene. He looks so majestic like this. I almost faint. I look him up and down quickly when he doesn't know.

I wish he had real feelings for me. He probably never will. I make myself a little sad with this. I know that Bill will never love me. He has many girls a week. But this week would change alot. The concerts and interviews in Germany were cancelled but they never told their fans why. I wondered what the reason was behind then not telling people the truth.

But I didn't want to ask. I believe it was because of Tom. The changing started this very moment in this steamy room with Bill Kaulitz in a towel. He turns around with force and pulls me onto him. I have to look up a bit at him to see his eyes. He doesn't say one word but he pulls me close enough to where I feel everything.

"Bill is that your-"
I get cut off by him shushing me and holding his hand over my mouth. I look at him with confusion. He keeps his hand over and stares at me. Waiting for me to get nervous. I feel his front underneath me. I pull away and run out of the bathroom jumping on his bed with a red face. He laughs at me and closes the door enough to hide it so he can get dressed.

"Thanks for the help with my dreads!"
He yells to me. I grunt and curl up into a ball, covering my face with his pillows.

𝐎𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 - 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐳Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ