chapter 9

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•♪Kᴇʟʜᴀɴɪ - (ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴀ sʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴ)

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•♪Kᴇʟʜᴀɴɪ - (ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴀ sʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴ)

"sir we got the location" my brows furrowed as i heard him saying before jimin slowly turns his head back and meets my gaze directly, my eyes Darkens and my jaw tickles as i get up from my seat, pushing the chair back and bringing my both hands up to the buttons of my coat, my fingers fiddle with them as i close it.

Marching towards the door while they both quickly follow as we make our way towards the tracking room, pushing the door open as soon as I reach the room and my eyes burn while i make my way straight to the huge screen infront of me, my eyes scan through every detail as i slowly bend my body and place my both strong arm for support on top of the table, my jaw slightly tickles as i heard him speaking from behind

"They're near the Swiss alley sir, very few people live there, and right now it would be more silent because everyone would be sleeping and we found out there are almost two to three men's"

My eyes squeeze as i saw another figure on the screen right near the alley as my brows furrowed when i slowly open my mouth to speak "what about this ?" I asked my voice came out deeper and cold as i focus on it it seems different Maybe it's from someone who lives there "we don't know about that sir, it just came out of nowhere we're not sure"

I straighten my back as i heard him speaking, the bone of my jaw move and my body stiffenes before i turned around and March towards the door again leaving everyone behind while jimin eyes follows me trying to figure out where I'm going before his feets quickly followed me and i heard him speaking from behind "w-where are you going taehyung, they are three of them or maybe more then that we're not sure it's not safe out there"

He tries to convince me while i barely listen to any of it, I've killed more then that in once, does he really think, it is bothering me.

My jaw tickles as i march towards the elevator, the ding sound echoes my ears while jimin kept standing behind me probably thinking of ways to stop me before i step inside and turn around just to meet his gaze for the last time before i leave "do you think i care?"


The Darkens flikker through my eyes as i take slow steps towards the other side of the road my face covered in a black mask with my hands covered in gloves just like always, a dagger peaking down my wrist while my feet move slow, hearing and scanning everything around me, my eyes darker then the night around, with my body burning in rage as i keep hearing the footsteps time to time, turning around and making my way inside the other small dark alley, and i can already feel a man following me as i didn't stop.

Until it gets darker and he is barely able to see me in, i turn around before the dagger he holds enters my body, i make a hold on his hand which was about to sink the metal blade on my back with a tight grip, and i pull him near, twisting his hand around just to let his own dagger enter his body, a choking sound echoes my ears , he choke on the blood which flows out of his mouth and i harshly pull the dagger out, he slowly falls on the ground near my feets.

My eyes burn and my muscles stiffen while my teeth clench hard as i walk away stepping over his body, founding my way back to the dim light of the empty road, some cars past by time to time and when it gets empty again i start hearing the footsteps again, my eyes Darkens as i tilt my head both the side to see the view clear before my feets slowly move and i walk out, the light slightly reflects on my eyes with my face covered, the scar on my one eye clearly visible.

Until something makes my brows furrowed when my ears hear a familiar sound before i tilt my head to the side just to see a sharp blade coming through my way and my body quickly reacts as i bend back and my hand moves which holds the dagger in it and using the full force a growl leaves my mouth as i throw it the same way where the Darkeness covered a man and after a moment a body falls down on the ground with my dagger stuck inside his skull.

My eyes burn as i watch his body lying on the ground before my feet move and i take slow steps towards his body, slowly bending down on my feet to reach his height my eyes scan his body and the blood flowing out through his head for a moment, my one hand slowly reach for the dagger stuck in his head, as i make a tight grip before pulling it out and my head quick tilt my back when i heard a sound of a bike.

And i just saw the third one trying to run away starting his bike, a sarcastic smirk appeared on my lips and I breathed out before i got up and dipped my hand through the pocket of my pants before my fingers found a cool metal and took it out as, i point the gun towards his direction before several gun shots echoes the empty road as the bullets enter on his back before he could even think he had escaped, his bike disbalance and found itself on the ground.

My eyes burn as i stand there for a moment, rubbing my teeth together my jaw moves while my body heats up with anger and rage building Inside me, a curse leaves my mouth when  i felt a slight pain throughout my head and the hand which has a bandage on, as i take a deep breath in and slowly take my hand down, slipping the gun back inside, before turning back and glaring at the  body lying behind me.

My hold on the dagger tighten while the murder dance through my eyes as i eye the blood slowly reaching to my feet flowing out from his head, the viens on my arms and hand pops out before i slowly turn my head back and feets to walk back towards my car the blood drips down the tip of my dagger as i walk through the empty road, all alone, face half covered mask, with a dagger in my hold and my hands covered in blood, i walk until reach near the woods where i just parked my car

Making sure none of them have seen it just like before, as i take a seat on the driving seat before the Darkness disappeared as the lights of my cars spread through the woods the moment i start the engine

My jaw tickles and my eyes burn as all that runs through my head is the place that can calm my mind, i fucking need some fresh air to surround me so bad right now my body is burning, the rage and anger taking control all over my head as i fasten the speed.

The place is not that far away from here but yet it seems so far while one thing kept running inside my head who's figure was that which we saw on the tracking screen because i found no other then those three men's

I press the breaks as soon as I reach near it pushing opening the door and marching through the woods the Darkeness covering all around me a little light of moons reflecting through the woods as i walk straight my eyes scan every single inch as i slowly tilt my head to the left and the moment i do something catches my attention.


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