chapter 25

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•♪Kᴇʟʜᴀɴɪ - (ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴀ sʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴ)

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•♪Kᴇʟʜᴀɴɪ - (ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴀ sʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴ)

A smirk appears on the corner of my lips leaving him behind, already watching them all screaming, until my brows furrowed and the darkness flicker through my eyes, when i heard a notification, my eyes squinted and i tilt my head to screen of my car, my one hand reach to open it, and what i see makes me slow down, my jaw tickles and my eyes burns

I see the tracker moving, the beeping red light, but the fucking hell, what makes my mind almost to stop working, is she's right near the same place where i found her injured last time, but she's not in the woods, she's near the place she shouldn't be, my jaw moves and i barely focus on the race anymore, the flame and heat dances through my eyes as the rage build inside me

Wht the fuck is she even doing there, i couldn't help myself but I'm fucking worried, If this time something happened to her I'm going to punish her so bad cause this girl's little feets never stop, she keep jumping and running here and there she goes at the places she shouldn't, she fucking likes to explore something i like and hate at the same time because it's not safe out there especially for someone like her, who looks so fucking good every wild creature would love to have feats on it

These dark streets are not made for her to explore, and she didn't get it even though she almost died last night, i even hate the fact of her dancing in that fucking ass holes club, but I'm trying so hard to hold myself back, to not take control over her fucking life when I'm already keeping my eye on her every single move

I heard the screams from the distance jimins namjoon Jacob jungkoon Steve, they all call for me, and the muscles of my neck tighten because i know why, as my body shiver in rage and i shift my gaze back to the front to see him leading the race because i just slow down, my teeths clenches and i place my hand on gear, before pulling it and speeding up, a loud engine sound from my car, echoes the whole area as i speed up and heard lots of gasp at what i just do.

In one blink of time, my car passed by him and i crossed the finish line, they all screamed in shock, and i saw from the mirror of my car, the man opposite me in the race pressing the breaks and stepped out near the finish line, while jacob came infront of him before he leave the spot, i see the anger in his eyes and i breath out on in satisfaction but i saw jimin confused and everyone else when even crossing the line i didn't stop, and shifting my gaze back to the road i speed up more.

My body burns and my eyes rip through everything as i make my way right stright to where i see her on the screen, i shift my gaze back down just to found out she's going at the place which is fucking covered in dark, if this time something happens to her I'm going to trap her at my place, i will fucking tie her to my bed just to make sure she doesn't Fucking leave my sight, this little girl loves to explore and run, I've got to know alot about her in a very less moment of time

She never fucking stops, she's a little devil, whoes fucking my head, little rabbit on the land of death which is full of wild animals, the one who are willing to eat her all in once looking for a single chance and she hasn't have any clue about it, she's just making me mad, because as much as i want to stay away from her, she never fucking let me, the more i stay away the more i found myself aching to have her closer.

If not buried deep inside her little cunt, then to make sure she's safe and i don't know why the fuck i even care, but now that i do, i have no other choice because it seems as if it's not in my control anymore.

My eyes burn as i look down again, my head tilt to the side looking out from the open glass and turning the steering wheel 30 to my left, taking a sharp turn then straight again, i drive faster, my hold on the steering wheel tighten, while my eyes burn as i keep them on the road, i don't give a Fuck about the deal i make to that guy, jimin and namjoon can take care of it, what's more important for me at this moment is to find that little rabbit out there before anyone tired to take it away from me, because she's mine, and i hate when someone even look at something what's mine.

I pressed the brakes, and slowed down the moment I reached the same spot, my eyes glanced on the screen. She's near, i can see her, my eyes squinted when i saw the tracker stops moving, my jaw moves and i shift my gaze to my front, to see if she's near, my eyes scans every single inch, until i finally press the breaks, my hand reach for the door before i step out, i glance at the screen again before stepping out of the car and closing the door

My eyes darkness as they scan every single inch near me, and my hand reaches for the pocket of my coat, taking out my mask, and covering my face once my feet starts moving, my eyes burning looking around me, the darkness covering most of the road, fucking hell what does even bring her here, why the fuck she even enter the woods, and something hits me, as i keep walking the scar near my eyes move as my jaw clenches and my hand fists on the side of my body

I remember she pick pomegranates from the woods, Jesus Christ!

A curse leaves my mouth as i remember and i growl in frustration, her, and her obsession with white flowers as well as pomegranates, I'm going to fuck that out of her so soon, if she keeps sneaking out in the dark like this to get them, these obsession of her, are cheering my obsession for her and she don't have any idea of how awful it can get, here I'm going mad behind her just beacuse she's going mad behind those pomegranates of hers.

Does she think I'm sort of a saint or something? that i have some supernatural powers to take control over myself, because if she thinks like that, she's so wrong, it would take me a moment to fuck her all ways to hell, right exactly where she belongs, she belongs to the place where i belong, right beside the devil, and she's just cheering me to be it, to do it, and take her with me and if she don't stop then i fucking will, because everything about her is forcing me to trap her

Kidnap her from that little house

Bring her at my place and never let her leave, she doesn't know how badly she's making me an addict of her, how i fucking act and become when it comes to her, if those five men's got to know that I'm going mad behind a woman, track her every move twenty four hours, hear her talking to others, something that always makes me mad, because i want that voice for not anyone else's ears except mine.

They would think I'm a fucking pcycopath, but little did they know that she made me like this, because i couldn't help but become one, being a billionaire and known as a shadow man after killing more then thousand of people that i lost the count, here she's making me an addict, an stalker, fucking up my mind with her thoughts now even letting me know how the worried i am for her for being in this dark place at this time just for some freaking pomegranates

I'm going to rip this rabbit into pieces of it kept haunting me, I'll Destroy her in a way, shell never be able to heal, and then my thoughts will haunt her whole Fucking life.

I'm going to rip this rabbit into pieces of it kept haunting me, I'll Destroy her in a way, shell never be able to heal, and then my thoughts will haunt her whole Fucking life

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