chapter 10

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•♪Kᴇʟʜᴀɴɪ - (ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴀ sʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴ)

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•♪Kᴇʟʜᴀɴɪ - (ɢᴀɴɢsᴛᴀ sʟᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴅᴏᴡɴ)

I squinted my eyes when I saw a figure in between the woods, and my direction quickly changed as i quickly followed it, taking slow steps, i squeeze my eyes more while my head tilt to the side when i found that figure a little familiar and as soon as I realised it, my eyes Darkens and my jaw clenches as my eyes slowly slides down to the lower body.

It's a woman and i fucking sense it that's it's her, because i can smell her from a fucking distance.

Jesus Christ, how can someone smell this way, this good and this intense the moment i smell it, i recognise it, it's the same girl i saw near jimins house, my feets kept moving low and slow making sure to not let her know I'm following her, she slowly walk through the woods her sparkling blue eyes, i see them slightly every single time she tilt her head to the side.

Those thick long eye lashes are clearly visible, and i can fucking tell very well it's her, my brows furrowed as my dark gaze slowly slides down all over her figure, scanning her all in once, a thin metal chain resting on her one shoulder reaching down till it reach her hips, she's carrying a small pink bang with her dress colour is white reaching till half her thighs.

And she looks like a fucking angel alive.

My teeths clenches hard as i didn't stop, watching her every move while my hand fists tight the moment my eyes got froze on her lower body, those long thin perfect exposed legs from the small of her dress, making her look like a Fucking doll from behind, i can clearly see how perfect her body is, and had so fucking deep curves, i clench my jaw hard as my eyes burn when i scan them while my palm ache to grab those hips and make her turn around just to make her look at myself.

My eyes kept sliding all over her figure as smoothly as it is, the demon inside me cripple when i saw little heels on her little small feets her legs and her body she's so fucking fragile yet deliciously sexy at the same time, making me eager to reach out and touch her as my eyes burn and i slowly hide myself, when i saw her feets stopping and she slowly turns around, my eyes burn and my one strong arm land on top of the tree infront, which keeps my body covered as i saw her looking back she probably sense my eyes on her.

And the moment she looked back is the moment i fucking loose it, my teeths clenches, and my arm tightened resting over the tree as i make sure she won't see me but i see every single fucking breathtaking detail of her face and the same terrific sign on her bright shinning eyes as if she's lightening the darkness every where she go she fucking shines

She's a fucking sunshine.

A curse leaves my mouth the moment she turns back again and i ache to look at those shiny beautiful eyes again the innocent face she carries with the most sluttiest body, making me eager just in one sight to break it into pieces, even though I've just seen half of it this is the second time I've laid my eyes on her and she's pushing my inner demons to have her so far i wonder what i would do to her once i start.

My teeth clench hard as she slowly looks back again and I see her slowly tilting her head up and her both hands slowly move while what i saw makes it strike right through my chest, her small hands make a hold on the fruit hanging from the tree where she just stops and she slightly pull it out.

A fucking pomegranate

And the moment it hits me I breathe out, my eyes burn while i try to hold myself back just to not take her down on the ground right there and make her taste the real fucking heaven when i realises she fucking smells like that same individual fruite and i can tell she likes them so fucking much.

She takes out a few, her fingers are so fucking thin barely wrapping around one and the fuck!! she manages to hold four, fucking hell little girl what are you fucking doing to me.

Every single move of her cheers me to Fucking have her as pushing hard on the wood where my hand rests, to make sure i hold myself back and not Fucking move from my place, my body stiffenes while every vien on my neck pops out, my jaw keeps moving without stopping and the urge taking control over me, there's no one ever born to make me feel this out of control as much as she's doing even being so far away even there's so much distanced.

I can fucking imagine all over her and just the thought of it alone is making me a Fucking monster enough she would be fucking terrified of me, at a point i don't found myself normal this is not fucking normal for me to what i fucking feel for this woman, as if I'm breaking my rules, this is not who the fuck i am no one can make my senses go crazy but here I am.

Now I have become a stalker for this girl in front of me, the one i don't even know the name of, as I follow her again, i saw her slowly walking away, my feets move as i keep the distance to make sure she won't see or even feel me around her while she slowly make her way out from the woods, her hips fucking sway around so perfect with her dress which sticks to her body as if it is especially made for her .

So fucking perfect!

I curse under my breath again clenching through my teeth, on how she walks, while when she comes to the road something in her eyes which i see from the side of her face makes my brows furrowed as i stop for a moment in the alley to hide, peeking through the Darkeness

She looks terrified and worried and her eyes shine even more as if she's crying because of fear, she kept looking every single way, she's terrified for nothing but i felt like there is someone she's terrified off, i remember everything from the last time how i saw her but i couldn't get what can make her afraid as i follow her again.

And i don't have any idea what I'm doing but I wanted to know so bad where she lives, my hand fists as my eyes Darkens when i keep my gaze fixed on her figure, eyeing every single step every breath she take every time she looked around to make sure there is no one around.

But little did she know there's a man who she has driven so fucking mad and who's following her all the way everywhere she go, and i stop in a good distance away from her, when i saw her entering a particular house, my jaw clenches and my the darkness flikker through my eyes as i scan the area around me for a moment making my brows furrowed before i hear every move she make until she slowly close the door

And my feet move as i came back to the light again, tilting my head to the side i squinted my eyes while my jaw tickles as i eye her house before my feet stops when i stand right in front of her door, looking up towards the closed windows eyeing the small house it looks old yet something about her every single thing makes my inner demon to ache and i don't have any idea why.

As i wish nothing more then to go inside and take her exactly where she's going to sleep peacefully, keep her awake the whole night, but i didn't, as i stand there as it is with my eyes dark and my jaw moving as i breath out while a sarcastic smirk appears on my lips

There's no way I'm going to let this little girl run away from me.

There's no way I'm going to let this little girl run away from me

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