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Shadow walked for hours after the phone call around the town, searching for answers to where he was. But he had no luck. He was walking around for so long, he collapsed in the middle of the street in front of a small rickety wooden house.

Shadow's POV-

"MARIA, NO!"I yelled through the glass as I watched my best friend get shot. Tears streamed down my face and I almost broke my hands banging on the door. Just then, I woke up in a bed, not knowing where I was. Scout was laying beside me. A strange woman walked in as I realized my face was wet from tears and I was breathing very sharply. She came over and sat down on the edge of the bed, amazed. Just then I barely made out the face of the woman. Was that.. Y/N!! I jumped up and hugged her around her neck before saying how much I missed her. I slowly took my arms down from her neck once I realized she wasn't hugging back. I looked at her closely this time, and she had a shocked impression on her face. That was in fact not Y/N. I slapped my forehead in embarrassment as she blushed and left the room. That seemed to be a lady about the same age as Y/N, just... different. She had scraggly black hair, green eyes, and a raggedy old dress that looked like it was from the 1800s. I laid back down on the bed, still embarrassed about what I had just done. Who the heck was she? And how did I get here? I slowly got up in search for answers on where I was. Ok, first I was walking around in a weird little town with Scout, then I reimagined... that. And then I woke up here. But.. where is here? Just then, I heard clack, clack, clack, on the window like someone was throwing rocks at it. I saw a silhouette outside of the window that made me jump. Then the window started to slowly open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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