Time to Party

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     "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, LISTEN UP," Amy yelled from upstairs. Everybody else peeped their heads out of their rooms yawning and rubbing their eyes.

    "Wha-what time is it?" Silver asked.

     "IT'S TIME TO SAVE OUR FRIENDS," she responded.

     "Shhhhhh," Silver said. "F/N's still asleep!"  Amy, ignoring him, continued.

     "WE HAVE TO FIND EGGMAN AND GET THE GIRLS BACK," she said as she raised her hammer. Everyone had a scared look on their face because they usually never see Amy this mad.

     "Y-yes ma'm," Sonic said.


       Shadow groaned and dumped out his half empty cup of coffee in the sink.

      "Oh, Shadow?" Sonic melodically sang. Shadow turned around slightly to face him. "You know what this means?" Shadow raised one eyebrow as if to say "what." "This means that you'll get to save your boo!" Sonic started making kissy faces and sang super loudly, "SHADOW AND Y/N SITTIN' IN A TREE..." Shadow said nothing but instead took out his gun and pointed it directly to Sonic's face. Sonic stopped and smirked at Shadow as he walked back upstairs to get ready.

      "I'm gonna kill that hedgehog one day," Shadow mumbled under his breath.

     Y/N's POV:

         "Ok, we need to find a way out of here," I said to B/F/N.

         "And how exactly are we gonna do that?" She replied. We both sat there in silence, thinking. I was trying to think of an escape plan, but the only thoughts that were flooding my brain were Shadow. Is he ok? Is he hurt? Is he safe? I'm sure he could fend for himself but I still wanted to know if he was ok.

    "What if we," I said trying to make B/F/N think I had a plan. "Oh, never mind, I lost it."

    "How are we supposed to get out of this place?!" She yelled.

    "Ssshhh! Quiet down! Your just gonna get us in more trouble!" Then, from afar, we heard footsteps.

    "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The big Egg-shaped man said.

     "NOTHING!" B/F/N blurted out. I gave her a look telling her to shut up.

     "Trying to escape are we? Well that won't be a problem will it? Those moron hedgehogs will come running soon, and once their in here, there's no escape. Game over, hedgehogs."

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