The Wreck

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Sonic and the others upstairs were startled by the loud noise outside. They all rushed downstairs to see what all the commotion was. They got downstairs just to see shadow on the front porch holding out his gun like he was a sheriff. They all saw someone in the car, but they didn't know who.

Y/N's POV:

I got myself up and attempted to crawl to the backseat to shake B/F/N up, but she was out like a light. "B/F/N!" I screamed. She wouldn't budge. I slumped back in the front seat and closed my eyes.

Shadow's POV:

There were 2 people in the car that I had seen. I slowly moved to the car, trying not to wake whoever was in it. As I was making my way to the car, I could hear heavy breathing behind me... Knuckles' heavy breathing. I turned around and jumped to the sight of everyone following me. "Guys!" I quietly yelled. Sonic made his stupid guilty face as soon as I turned around. "Stay quiet," I demanded as I rolled my eyes and turned to face the car. I moved closer and closer, to see there were 2 girls in the car, passed out.

When Shadow moved over to the window, the girl in the front seat screamed, causing him to jump and fall on the driveway. He quickly got up, hoping no one had just seen that. The girl in the front seat screamed once more, waking the other one up.

          B/F/N's POV:

             I woke up to Y/N screaming her head off. "What the heck?" I mumbled to myself. She somehow heard me and yelled my name. Y/N pointed out the driver's window and when I looked, I screamed as well. What was that thing, where are we, and how in the world did we get here?

         Knuckles broke the car windows, making them scream even more.

         "Girls, Girls, calm down! We're not going to hurt you!" Amy said.

          "Who are you?" F/N asked while scooting closer and closer to the backseat.

            "We'll worry about that later. Come with us so we can help you get fixed up," Amy said. They agreed.

Shenanigans- Shadow X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora