No Regrets

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             Everyone gathered around in a circle while Silver grabbed an empty coke bottle.

"Ready?" Amy asked everyone. Everybody nervously nodded their heads. Shadow was sitting in between Blaze and Silver.

Shadow's POV:

Sonic went first, of course it was Sonic, he's just trying to get a girl to kiss him besides his dead mom. He spun it and it landed on Amy. I watched as Amy let out a huge gasp and screeched so loud I thought I was gonna go deaf. I turned as Sonic tried to peck like a bird but failed because Amy was the one on the other side of him. I resisted laughing because he then had bright red lipstick on his lips. He smeared it off, but it was still there. What a moron! I couldn't take it anymore, so I went downstairs to grab myself a snack. They had asked me where I was going, and I just shrugged and walked away. I went into the kitchen, contemplating how I ended up in this mess. Playing a silly kids game with a bunch of idiots. I made sure no one was looking, and then I took a bucket of coffee beans out of the pantry. I knew Amy specifically put those there for a reason, for when I came over. I'm the only one who likes them by themselves. I grabbed a spoon and ate them straight out of the can. While I was downstairs, I heard a scream from upstairs, followed by laughter. I didn't really care, but by the sound of the scream, I could tell it was Blaze. Then, all of the sudden, I heard a loud crash coming from the driveway. I dropped my spoon and can of coffee beans, and ran out the front door with my gun.

Y/N's POV:

My head was pounding. I didn't know where I was for a second. All I remember was going shopping with B/F/N.

         "Who's there?!" I faintly heard through the one ear that was working. POW POW! I heard. Gunshots?! I thought to myself. I slowly started to awaken and prop myself up in the drivers seat. My seatbelt was off, and B/F/N was in the backseat, knocked out. Then I saw the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life. I looked to my left, and there was a weird mutant human-hedgehog looking thing on a front door step. And then, I finally realized where I was.

Shenanigans- Shadow X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now