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A huge spotlight was being shone into my eyes. I had to use a spare hand to shield iris from the blinding light. When I saw people begin to turn around and stare at me with iris in my hand, my first reaction was to shove her into my pocket more roughly than I would've preferred.

" there he is folks, the prince and hero of this region, give it up for his royal highness, Prince Elias Asgard "

With that, there was an encore. As I looked across the crowd, I saw many people staring at me, some with no emotions, some with fake smiles. I do Not care about
Them. The only thing I need to care about is the beautiful woman in my pocket. I walked through the rows of seats while the clapping did not cease. I made my way to my seat and sat down. The clapping didn't stop. I had to physically look over at the director who announced my arrival and give him a murderous stare. He reacted immediately and forced the crowd to simmer down so I could hear myself think. The show started as it normally would and I reached into my pocket and prodded her in the back with my finger to see if she was awake. She grabbed onto my hand and I pulled her out and positioned her on my hand so she could see.

" Elias " she whispered to me as some guy got murdered on stage

" what's wrong "

" I can't see "

" let me fix that "


His hand clamped around my waist as I was lifted higher and higher until I was placed upon a black surface. His hair tickled me and as I tried to get into a comfortable position. Many giants stared at me as I was so close to the prince. Some had a look in their eye that I wish not to see again. The show was amazing, despite it using giant terms, the prince translated for me. I had a good time. That was until the kiss scene. Everyone else in the auditorium kissed their significant other while it happened. Everyone here was a couple. Many different species and supernaturals with giants or just anyone. I was the only one to not kiss someone at that moment. It felt so lonely.

I sat there and waited for the scene to be over so it was out of mind and didn't disturb me too much.  That was until I felt two fingers wrap around my waist, leading me to squeal from the shock. I ended up giggling as they brushed past my waist and I was brought in front of his face. He put me on his hand in a laying down position, then he proceeded to kiss me. WHY WAS HE DOING IT TO ME. I couldn't lie, it did feel good. I heard the play's dialogue go on while gasps were heard all around us. I ignored them and continued to love this blissful moment.

Eventually, he pulled away breathless, the play was already over by then. We looked around to see people staring at us and with faces showing shock and confusion. It seemed as if no one had ever seen the cold prince show affection to anybody or anything. He cleared his throat and began to stand up. I watched his once happy expression, become sad and sullen as he made his way past the crowds. Whispers were heard throughout the auditorium and it filled the room. Once we left, he held me in his hand, the moon has come up and lit the beautiful sky. So many stars were above me. I gasped when I took them all in, resulting in a loving look from Elias.

He obviously knew where were were going as he set off to the left and began trudging his way down the moon lit street. I gazed at the dimly lit shops around us while my dress glinted in the moonlight. The gems made it look shiny and made it almost glow under the moon. THE GIRLS MUST OF PLANNED THIS. NOW I LOOK LIKE A DISCO BALL.


I cant look down. I cant. She's too pretty. And her dress will blind me. It's shining under the moon beams being shone down on the earth. I've been trying to ignore her presence in my hand before I do something stupid. Why did she have to look so beautiful?

We eventually made it to the last destination of our date. The bridge. In this region of the giant world, we are known for its powerful rulers and the beautiful scenery. I brought her to the most beautiful landmark I can access which didn't require going up mountains. There was a bridge over a stream that was littered with Lily pads and lotus' and there were wisteria trees everywhere. The moonlight reflected off the lake, highlighting her features beautifully. She looked enchanted in this almost fairy tail background and god did it make me love her more.

I held her, as we did ballroom dancing across the path. She was sitting on her heels and looking up at me with eyes shining like stars. She looked so pretty. We span around a few more times before we stopped and stared in each others eyes for a blissful moment before I moved my face closer to her, and before I could do anything, she stood up and kissed me, it wasn't like mine, where i kiss her rapidly. No. This was a long kiss, her lips were as light as a feather and it felt like a butterfly had landed on me. Her kiss only covered a fraction of my lips and despite it being small, it made me want it to never end. My heart was pounding as my cheeks were burning. The moon still shine bright and blessing this moment with its beautiful beams. Never once had she started the kiss, only return it when I did it once or twice. By god did it feel great.

That's when I realised it was time to go home. When she pulled away breathless, I began to walk to the expecting carriage. She lay with her legs and arms spread out in a starfish position while looking up at the stars. I gazed at her for a while slowly walking towards our ride home.

The stars still beamed at us during our walk towards the carriage. And that's when I knew that she loved me and she remembered.

" I love you so much Elias, my dear fiancé"

[G/T] His loveΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα