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A couple of weeks later...

It seems as if it's a routine now. I wake up. Brush my teeth. Make my bed. And get swiftly taken by a giant prince who is now one of my best and only friends and fellow royal. Pretty normal right? Well for me it's like a piece of cake.

Speaking of cake...did I mention today is my birthday?

Well it is if you wanted to know. I am now officially 7. I feel so old. Well, I told him it's my birthday today so hopefully he hasn't forgotten yet, after all he is my only friend in this upside down life. I made my way down the cold hard stairs of the castle and went to go find my mother and father for my birthday gifts before my prince in shining armour comes. wait. My prince?

I found my mother as she always is, in her bed reading the same old books as she always did, most normal thing about today most likely.
"Mother?" I beckoned
"What is it irisia" she snapped back like a bear trap bearing it's sharp claws "I'm quite busy so let me do my work"
"But today is my birthday-" I tried to finish before getting hit in the face by a cold hard
" I do not care. leave now" those words hit me like a brick straight to the heart. I could feel the tears threatening to leave my eyes. I ran away before the futile bickering began and made my way to my bedroom and curdled up in my bed and began to sob slowly. I got interrupted by my sobbing fit when I soon realised that a huge eye consisting of beautiful colours and a soft gaze was staring straight at me through the window, looking into my soul. As soon as the eye left, a large hand revealed its presence to me by fitting through the window towards me. Today, I wanted to feel his gentle touch and leaned into it, letting it's comfortable warmth sink into my tear stained skin. I needed this.

Today I woke up. Did the usual things: wake up, make my bed, brush my teeth, went to the kitchen and requested a cupcake, stole candles and made my way towards my little princess' castle to majestically sweep her off her feet with my hand. My princess? That's sounds perfect for iris..Pretty normal day isnt it?

I requested the cupcake, which did make me a tiny bit late, but I made up for lost time by sprinting towards the forest towards her castle. Truthfully, I had no idea where I was going, I just followed my gut, it always led me to her anyways.

Cupcake and stolen candle in hand, I finally reached my destination. Just go around to the window that smells like her.. it's not like I smell her.. on purpose, well maybe purposely. She just smells so nice I want her to stay with me so I can always smell the sweet scent that comes with her. God I'm slowly turning into uncle Bob.

The room that smelt the most like her had a small sounds emerging from it. I listened closer, it was sobbing. So I could get a better view on the source of the sound, I pressed my eye up the window and looked inside. There she was. Crying more than our first encounter. She then looked directly at my eye with hers still dripping with tears. That made me mad for some reason so I let out my anger in a huge sigh and began to reach for her. I felt around her small to me, but probably large to her room , until I felt her body and wrapped my fingers around her so I could get her out and see her better, it would be good to give her the cake aswell.

Never in all of the weeks on knowing her, has she ever leant into my touch. My hand felt like it's warmth had come back, no heater could have that effect, the warmth she brung me. I held the cupcake behind my back to surprise her later and began to run away before the guards caught me again, those toothpicks hurt for such small items. Her sobbing ceased as we walked along. She was quieter and let out occasional sniffles, but her lack of sadness brung me a calm feeling. I brought her out to a clearing outside of the forest and sat down and placed her on my knee as my legs were crossed. I brought out the cupcake with the candle still a lit, good I brought the slow burning one. I looked down and she looked up in return, I saw the expression. Pure joy. She looked so happy in that moment.

"Happy birthday iris"

She blew out the candles and hugged my hand, well my thumb, but still. I rubbed her head with my other fingers. I brung the cupcake up to her, it looked huge compared to her, but she looked so happy. I wished she would always stay like this so carefree and always has that beautiful smile on her face.

She tried to sample some and stick her hand in it. But that soon failed as she fell deep into it. Despite her being almost bigger than the cake the icing was still very thick and covered her head to toe. I had to help didn't I? I bring her up to my mouth and let my tongue lick her small body, she tasted so good, of course I would never eat my only friend, but she did.  She looked rather shocked, scared even, but she did eventually end up giggling while staring at me with my tongue hanging out. So pretty..So so pretty. I couldn't help it I kissed her, fast kisses that took up a large fraction of her minuscule body. She's so perfect to be my best friend.

We were laying down talking about everything we could think of. Today was the best day of my life. The flower field was covered in the world's moonlight. So pretty. He did lick me earlier but I brushed it off considering I was covered in frosting.

"Iris." He interrupted my thoughts

"Yes?" I answered back softly

"Will you marry me when we are older?"

My heart stopped as the question escaped his lips. I'm seven. I'm not ready for marriage, but he said when we are older so I guess that could work. But it wouldn't I'm a human and he a giant it could never work. It could be impulse or his way of saying thank you. I can't accept this proposal, I'm going to say no.

"Of course I will" i didn't even think when the words escaped my lips. But the glow that came from his face told me I made the correct choice. He looked so happy in that moment, I couldn't take it away from him so soon

My days went like this for a few more years we grew closer and closer and he must had forgotten our promise since it was never brought up again. It all went well until that day...

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