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I woke up looking at the canopy of his bed. I felt his fingers around me, covering my whole body, leaving only my head out. I had fallen asleep on his chest. I felt the skin below and the muscle further down. I tried sitting up, and was about to succeed, when I felt his hand begin to twitch. His hand jolted and he began to drag me up across his chest. I felt panic rise in my body. What if he's trying to yawn and is trying to use his hand? I would be pushed in. I began to thrash and push at his hand. I soon realised it was a futile effort as I continued to move slowly. I gave up, my fate was sealed. He wouldn't wake up in time and I'd get swallowed. When I made it up to his chin, I felt my body get lifted up way higher than I would like it to and brung before his mouth. I was getting lowered. I began to feel the tears in my eyes. Why would he do this. When I was right next to his lips, I expected him to open his mouth and swallow me whole, but instead, he pressed me up against his lips in some sort of kiss. It lasted a couple of seconds before he sat up and pried me off his lips.

He looked really tired and like he hadn't gotten any sleep. He moved out of the way and placed me on his pillow. Before I even had time to process what had happened to me. I saw him lower his face and begin to kiss me fast. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM. He continued and didn't stop for a while. I couldnt Even Tell if I liked it. He wouldn't give me time to think. At one point I'm pretty sure he licked me. After what seemed like forever. He finished and nuzzled me with his nose. At that moment, He fell back asleep, completely unaware of what had just happened. I sat on his pillow still, burning red. My heart was thudding and at that moment. I fell back asleep yet again.


I remembered nothing. I couldnt. That salt water affect my immune system. So I was feeling a bit drowsy. I lifted my head to see that I had moved, and I wasn't the only one apparently. Iris was basically above me clinging at my hair. It was kinda cute. I tried to pluck her off my head, but she wouldn't budge. She held on as tight as she could, so I wouldn't be able to take her off without hurting her or getting a bald spot. I don't want either. After what seemed like forever, I gave up. I can't even get her off my head at this point. I decided I would just set her on my head until she wakes up. I went about my daily business, going to meetings, signing stuff, etc. I did. get asked a couple of times why there was a human on my head, but I brushed it off as soon as it was brought up and said she's the reason I was signing the papers. I wanted to do something big soon and I've already ordered the ring.

I was about to go down to lunch, when I felt her soft hands push against my scalp. She's awake. When she first woke up, I assumed she would begin to freak out and possibly give me a bald spot from tugging, but instead, she bade me good morning and kissed my head. How I love this life. She trusts me again. I plucked her off my head and saw that she was rubbing her eyes. WHY WAS SHE SO CUTE. I couldn't help it. I rubbed her head and walked into the room like that.

" Elias, is that the human that has been running around the castle "

I felt the colour drain from my face when my mother asked a simple question. I forgot to put her away.

" yes it is mother, and no, I'm not ashamed of her, one day I hope for her to be mine and nothing will stop me, and another thing- "

" she's beautiful, and me and your father do not care what she is just as long as you're happy "

" what "

" don't you remember? You told us about her when you were growing up "

I didnt recall that. She carried on to explain she didn't care and how she was happy and proud of me. She invited me to sit down and instead of putting Iris in my pocket or my knee, she instead invited iris to sit at the table, literally. Apparently, they could see her the whole time, because I was not 'sneaky'. Oh god. Iris was questioned throughout the lunch and was struggling to answer any.


I was being questioned. The king and queen seemed to like me, but it was suffocating. I got asked for my origins, my height, my age, my status etc. I could barely think. The only thing that was stopping me from calling amaris and flying away was Elias, he was rubbing my back, it was relaxing and kept me from going insane. I'm pretty sure he assumed I didn't like it, as he put his hand down and placed it on the table next to me. I reached over and rubbed It while the questions continued. I ate quite a lot compared to my usual diet of a corner of toast.

I've been thinking quite a lot. I don't know what to do with my life. I could go back to my kingdom like I was planning to do, or I could stay here and possibly marry Elias. The thought of it made my heart race, it felt so good. I was still rubbing at his fingers, so he still looked bewildered when he stared at me. Once the breakfast was finished, Elias laid his hand flat so I could sit on it, in my opinion, his hair was better. So when I climbed on, I ran up his arm and jumped from his shoulder onto a loose strand of hair and sat down breathless. He didn't seem to mind so he turnt out the room and began to go to his next job around the castle. He was so busy. Wait. Why hasn't he got married yet. It's a weird thing to think about but still. He's powerful enough to and would be even more powerful if he married a princess ages ago. I had to ask.

" Elias, why haven't you got married yet? "

He stopped in his tracks. When I was wondering what he was doing, I didn't notice the tree trunk sized fingers coming for me from behind. I squeaked a bit as he dragged me off his head while wrapping 5 fingers around my midsection. DID I MAKE HIM MAD. IS IT BECAUSE HES SO SINGLE AND LONELY AND SPENDS ALL HIS TIME IN THE ROOM THAT HE ISNT MARRIED YET. He brought me in front of my face and explained.

" number one " he stuck up one finger as saying this " I'm not interested in other women. Number two, I got a beautiful fiancé who said yes to me on her birthday. And number three, no one could replace your beauty add how much I love you
,any more questions " at the end of this little chat, we were both basically burning crimson.

Ok maybe I'm not going home. I hugged his thumb as he placed me on his head again and went around and signed a lot more things than he normally did. Maybe it's one of his sisters birthdays because I read one that said cake. When I saw that I simply asked.

" whose birthday cake is that " he was confused and asked me to elaborate, that's when I pointed to the piece of paper and he began to laugh.

" you'll see soon iris "

Weird. Welp I'm happy about my life right now. I dont think I could be happier. We treat eachother like we did as kids. We would hug and give eachother pecks as we were 'engaged'. He finished the day off with writing a letter and heading up to our room. I don't believe that we were still engaged as he's said nothing about it. When we entered the room, I was sitting on his right shoulder and nestling into his collarbone. Little did I know, he flopped onto his bed like a tree would fall once it got chopped down. When we thumped against the bed, I found that I was trapped beneath his chin.


He mumbled a no and began to fall asleep. I kicked at his neck hopeful for a reaction, but instead He just fell asleep without a doubt on his mind. I climbed out eventually and kicked his cheek, when I realised that he was warm. It would hurt to not use my doll house would it. I snuggled up against his cheeks and placed my hand on it. I gave it a small peck and said.

" good night Elias " while falling asleep.

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