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That proves it. She can't live here. It's far too dangerous for her, I would never want iris to get hurt at my own hands and selfish needs. She would never be happy here and isn't happy now. I was an idiot for thinking about bringing her to my castle, she must be missing her castle after being away for five years. I doubt she would choose me over her family. She probably doesn't even like me anymore. I put her on my desk for most likely the last time and waited for her to put on some clothes, she did this rather quickly. When she finished she looked down at the desk below her and refused to look up. She probably hates me so much that she can't look at me. I scooped her minuscule body in her hands and did it in a quick swooping motion, this resulted in a high pitch yelp from her but she looked okay. I left my room and kept her in my hands, I can't let anyone else see or take her.


He was taking me somewhere, most likely outside the castle because he was basically running at full speeds down the halls. The maids and butlers were left in shock by his outburst of energy and speed. He was running faster and faster until we reached a field. This field was familiar, far too familiar. He ignored it and ran through it at top speeds and made it into a forest. Where was he taking me. He ran until I couldn't even make out my surroundings and only saw a blur of bright colours, he was not this fast when we were kids. He came to a stop behind a huge shrub, he knelt down and made me slide off his hand onto the forest floor. He watched me with an expressionless expression and was just calmly keeping his posture as best as someone who was kneeling on one knee could. He used a few fingers to begin to nudge me more beneath the bush and as he was about to disappear out of my view I heard a faint voice.

"Thank you"

He pushed me fully under the bush and out to the other side. I was in some sort of clearing. I span around and saw it. I saw my castle. It was still huge. I was about to cry until I heard him stand up from the other side of the bush and his ground shaking tremors began to fade away slowly.

I didn't waste one minute as I sprinted towards it, there were villagers scattered around everywhere some recognised me while others didn't, gasps came from all directions. I ran through the looming gate and some guards began to panic as I sprinted through the humungous structure. I had to go see my family. I ran faster and faster until the world around me was nothing but a blur until I reached it. My parents room. I straightened out my dress, it was a purple one with satin hanging off it and had jewels embroidered into it, my hair was long and silky still, I was just a tiny bit taller. This was the moment I was waiting for five years after loneliness. I knocked on the door.

"Come in"

I couldn't. I didnt. I cant. I Just stood there.

"I said you could enter"

I just stood there, frozen. WHAT WOULD I EVEN SAY. I CANT JUST GO IN AND SAY HEY GUYS I KNOW I WAS MISSING FOR HALF A DECADE BUT HEY LETS EAT CAKE AND HAVE A FAMILY REUNION. I found the courage to push it open. There was my father and my mother, both holding vases wrapped in petite bows filled with roses. When they saw me. They went pale. They both dropped the vases and ran over to me. So many tears were shed in that moment. We just said they're hugging and murmuring sorries and thank yous to eachother. At that another person entered the room. Zachary entered the room. He looked like he'd been whacked in the face by a glow up demon. He was way taller and was draped in royal jewels. He was towering over me despite being older by a few years. I saw his expression break and some tears well up in his eyes. He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, a long one. It was suffocating. I want this moment to last forever.

2 days later

Hey. Remember when I said I wanted it to Last forever. I take it Back. I can't stay here. I can't live here. It's far too boring and lonely. For one day only, they draped me in gifts and jewels etc, THEN THEY LEFT ME ALONE AGAIN AND TREATED ME COLDLY LIKE I WASNT GONE FOR HALF A DECADE AND JUST WENT ON A LITTLE TRIP. he wouldn't treat me like that. I don't think I would ever be ready to marry him but I enjoy his company. I can't stay here at all, I have to clear my head. He doesn't want me, that's why he left me here. I had to go and clear my head.

I ran out of the castle like I had done around two days ago but this time I was running away from it. I fit my way under the shrub before anyone could stop me. I ran back through the forest. Unlike me sadly, the forest grew quite a lot and made it overgrown and almost made me forget the path but I could recall. I was being drawn towards this field and I don't know why. I ran until my legs almost gave away beneath me left me left without breath. I'm not stopping for the world.

I made it to the outskirts of the field and looked towards the never ending green scenery. Towards the front of me, across the wide expanses of the field was someone. Just sitting down staring up at the white tranquil clouds drifting across the skies. That's when I realised it was him. I was being drawn to him. THATS CREEPY WHAT THE HELL. anyways, there was a feeling that I couldn't remove. I missed him. I did not spare a Single Moment. I ran over to him, I was not stopping for the world. He was just sitting down and not realising that I was sprinting towards him. I wouldn't be able to make it over to him. I have to call him over



a faint voice called out to me. It was most likely the wind playing tricks on me, It sounded as tranquil as the wind, so soft, it would not even be a person.


Ok now it's getting louder this wind needs to leave.


I'm done. That was not the wind this time I'm sure. I slowly span around to see who or what was chanting my name like we were friends. They didn't call me the soulless prince for nothing, I would happily kill anything that would get in the way or harm my- no wait. She dosent care for me anymore so I shouldn't either. I spun around and looked towards the endless expands of fields. I couldn't see anyone. Well that was weird.


Ok now I'm getting pissed. Who is calling me now. Is it one of those fox demons or something or like a tengu playing tricks. I spun around again and when I didn't see anything I was about to turn around and ignore this call, when I saw something move from the distance. A small figure was running towards me from the other side of the field. It was the one calling my name. It was her. Iris. She was running towards me and not away. That's new. She was making herway towards me slowly and I wasn't just going to wait. I ran towards her as fast as i could. She was coming back to me. She didn't hate me then. I was distracted by my thoughts when I tripped over and landed on the ground with a thump, effortlessly shaking the ground and sending her flying into the air. I sat up abruptly and grabbed her in my hands so she didn't land with such a fall. She landed in my hands safely and for the first time. She looked into my eyes with happy tears and a smile. I smiled back with a huge grin and liked deep into her eyes. She spoke for the first time, full sentence.

" can we go home please."

"Of course iris anything you want, let's go home at once"

With that I spun around and made walked back home to the castle. She fell asleep after a short while and I continued to walk. I stared at her with contempt and made my way back to my home where she wished to go with me and me only. She was my everything and I will never let her go again.

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