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I was just staring at him, I was thinking and processing what happened. He was pretty much just staring at me, honestly I was figuring out to escape when I let my guard down from when he tickled me. Just then, my stomach began to rumble, a loud one, I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment from the sound where the sound emitted from, he just let out a small laugh and just looked in my eyes and said

" you must be hungry, it's breakfast time anyways so I'll bring you some "

He got off the bed, shifting the ground below my and making me roll far too close to the end of the bed for comfort. He did use a finger to nudge me to the middle on the bed then left the room to go get food.

It's my chance to escape.

I began to run towards the end of the bed only to realise I had no way of getting down. Only then, I decided to jog over to the pillow I was on last night and began to push harder till the pillow was practically hanging off the bed, I pushed it so it landed on the floor with a thump. Finally. I jumped down and landed on the pillow without any injuries or anything and began to make my way off the pillow. I leaped off and was about to fit my way under the door like I did last night before I heard the knob turn. He wouldn't be back yet would he.

It wasn't him.

A maid entered, not like the one that carried me here, a cleaning maid. Looks like she was just here to clean out his room, It didn't really look like it needed cleaning, I mean compared to his younger sisters room it was spotless. I did find a way to hide myself near the door but out of sight. Another maid entered the room and I decided I would be nosy and listen to their conversation.

" can you believe it?  The prince left his room today with a smile." The woman practically screamed at the other maid.

"I couldn't believe it myself, I mean he hasn't done so since he was younger"

" something must have changed with him, I hope he stays like this, I've missed this side of him "

I couldn't bear to listen anymore, I squeezed under the door and tried to run away from the room. I stopped. I couldn't go. I was stuck. Why can't I move. I can't leave him like this.

Only then did I feel the ground shaking rumbles, these ones felt familiar, I looked over at the stairs and saw Selene making her way up the stairs skipping and singing, as if she was playing hopscotch in her head. I ran over to her and yelled her name. When she saw me it's almost like a light was turned on and she looked much more excited than she did on the stairs.

" baby sister! "

what. Baby? I'm not a baby. Whatever, I put my arms up to signal that I wanted her to take me to her room again. She took the sign fast and scooped me up and began running towards her room. If there's anyone I trust in this castle it's Selene. We made it to her room and got changed into new dresses so we could gossip again. Mine was now purple and frizzy with pearly embroided on it. This dress looked so familiar I just couldn't remember when. I stoped thinking about the dress and asked Selene about why I'm her 'baby sister'.  She looked confused but said.

"Well aren't u married to my older brother and you are a baby after all"

I just looked at her. I couldn't process. what. WHAT DID SHE SAY. IM NOT MARRIED TO THAT MONSTER WHERE DID SHE HEAR THAT FROM. I asked her why i would be married to her brother and she explained.

" he told me as a bed time story when I was younger that when he was around 8 he proposed to a beautiful girl and she said yes. Aren't you that girl? "

Oh. That. I explained I was just a kid back then and had no intent on keeping that promise, it was just in the moment. Also I explained I was not a baby I'm just not a Giant. And due to my perfect timing. Only then did the door open with a bang. He peeked around the door and made his way over to selene who deposited me in his hands. He didn't waste any time and ran back to his room with me in his hand. He didn't look down at me once but did keep me out of sight from the passing maids.

We made it to his room and he sat on the bed with me cupped in his hands still, he hastily put me on the bed and reached into his pocket. His humungous hand came out with some sort of bread with a yellow substance on it, he held it out between his thumb and index finger and gestured to it with his eyes. I decided Just then I would simply try to eat something, I hadn't eaten in over two days and I was basically starving. Once I had picked it up, the sweet smell of the substance filled my nostrils and it began to drip from the bread. He looked down at me with an emotionless expression but his eyes were laced with concern. I bit down on the bread and god did it taste good, the yellow substance filled my mouth and drilled from my lips. Yellow creamy goodness.

" I see you like butter then "

A booming voice erupted from above, almost making me choke and drop my bread and this butter substance. For the first time I looked up and saw that humungous face, and I did some sort smile, it was small, but he still noticed.

" I don't know if you know this but you still look as beautiful as the day I met you " He began to stroke my back with his thumb, in some sort of circular motion, it was rather calming.

" you're wearing the same type of dress as you wore on that day "

So that's it. That's where I remember it from, it was my great grandmothers dress that I got because I was her favourite. I missed her so much. She always had this greasy incense smell and was always lovely to me. But she hated my mother so I didn't get to see her as much as I wanted to. He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at his hand more, almost like he was in a daze. He began to say

" I hope you know my iris, I still intend on marrying you when the time is right "


" Even if you won't have me now, I will eventually make you mine "

Wow. That didn't sound obsessive at all, and it looks like i won't be able to go to my real home soon so that's absolutely great right? I did nothing but stare at him wearing a shocked expression over my countenance. He didn't look directly at me but his cheeks were still burning crimson, even after the question was asked. I'm never going to live this down.

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