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A couple of years later....

"Hey iris" the prince beckoned quietly, he had gotten used to lowering his volume around me so I didn't go deaf everytime he spoke to me, even the softest words could hurt if not said properly.
"Yes?" I answered quickly,
"Meet me in the field tomorrow" he insisted, as he slowly lifted himself off the forest floor we were laying down on. He began to walk away, his huge figure of a 11 year old walking away, slowly fading away. The warmth was gone. But I had gained enough trust for him so I would be going even if it does end up not okay I'm fine with it, I mean, what's the worst that can happen?

I made my way back home eventually and put myself to sleep, there was no point of talking to mother at this point she ignores me too much so I just got over it. Because it's quite obvious

"Mother doesn't love me"

But the prince does, so I'm fine leaving it like that. For a while

The next day

Today I was going to finally ask her to marry me again, and possibly move into my room if she wanted to, considering her room is still in a house full of neglect and bullying, i thought it would be nice if she was my roommate and vice versa. I've already arranged her room, I mean it took me like ages to do so because everything is so small, she can change it if she likes. I just want her out of that house and closer to me. I've made the house with certain things from around the castle like I took some doll furniture from Alexis' room and put it in and I've gotten some flowers and cotton balls in there as well so she would be comfortable and I did cut myself a bit doing so, so I hope she enjoys it.

But today was the big day where I ask that question, so I made my way over to the field we went for her 7th birthday, my favourite day ever. Because of her waking up early, I knew she probably arrived way earlier than me, so I began looking around. Slow actions of searching, soon became frantic and erratic. I couldn't find her, she's not here. Let me wait for a while maybe she's late for once.

2 hours later

I've been waiting here for ages but now I know it's true I can't find my iris

She's gone.

It all happened too soon, i was sitting in the field waiting for Elias, which can be seen as unusual because we normally meet in more closed off places like in the woods so things like this don't happen. But I got there extra early and was waiting for him to arrive so we could hang out, but then I got grabbed from behind and shoved into some sort of dingy sack, that looked like it had somewhat rotten over the years and the smell was rather bad, almost like a pungent smell. The material felt rough and coarse and as the bag shifted I could feel the material rubbing my skin raw by colliding with it. I was so scared in that moment, I needed help and I knew it. I was going to get hurt or worse. There was no reason to scream, because if I did no one would hear me, and the fact I knew that worried me.

The bumpy, hellride ride was eventually over after being tossed around, for what seemed like hours. My muscles ached with every movement, as I tried to sit up, the world seemed to tilt into a full downwards direction. I topped down the mountain of jagged heavily woven fabric, and into a cold hard table, which awaited for my arrival and embraced my body with its cold metal feeling, seeping into my skin sending me into a cold state. Shivering. I looked up at my supposed kidnappers, but before I could do anything they grabbed my body in a tight hold, unlike Elias' gentle hold like he never wanted to let me go and the warmth that came with it , and practically tossed me in a cage which was dangling down from the mould infected ceiling. It finally hit me, almost as hard as he threw me, I was trapped and I would never be able to leave. 

What would Elias think? Would he be worried? wait. no. He set this up. It makes sense he's the prince of those goons, he can control them. So he dosent love me then. All the time we spent together, the years, the birthdays. We always were together. I knew everything about him, his favourite cake flavour, vanilla with cinnamon dusted along the top with a chocolate sticking out, it was unusual, he was the only one to get that flavour from what I've heard. So he really didn't love me then. I did it. I broke down. So many tears fell, not because of the pain, or anything else. Just that

"He never loved me"

I couldn't find her, everywhere I looked she wasn't there. I went to the meeting spot, the forest, her castle, where I looked in every single window, which did scare some people but I didn't care about them.

I went back out to our meeting spot to search once again, I was tired, my knees were aching, sweat constantly flowed down my forehead, I looked like a hot, panting mess.


No. Not yet. I haven't found her, prudence can't take me home I haven't found her yet. She could be out there, scared, cold, or even worse. Just give me some time to find her. I have no need to go home.

I couldn't help it. She took me away from my only chance of finding her, she's gone.
I cried into prudence's dress and desperately needed comfort. She patted my head and told me off for crying about 'imaginary friends' I didn't respond. I knew she was real. She felt so real. Didnt she?

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