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" hello? Tiny Princess? Wake up "

I heard a faint voice from next to me. I was so warm where i was, the world felt so peaceful in that moment. Out of nowhere, I felt something large touch my side. My eyes opened frantically and I lifted the top half of my body up to be in a sitting position. I saw a giant pair of turquoise eyes inspecting me. I shrieked a tiny bit and scooted back, only to be stopped by the edge of the platform I was on. I looked around me and saw that I was on a giant hand. I peered up above me and saw that the arm was connected to Elias. He smiled at me, a small one but I noticed. I felt the platform below me shift and I got raised up above and met with a familiar pair of eyes.

" are you ok Iris? You suddenly went quiet and when I next looked down you were sleeping soundly. You worried me quite a lot "

I nodded at him and spared him a smile while rubbing his hand below me. He looked much more tired and worn out but he still looked handsome as ever. wait. Did I just say that. I'm not gonna think about it too hard. After we finished our staring session and smiling at eachother, I turnt around to see the white haired giant still looking at me, his eyes were full of curiosity and wonder while looking at me, shocking how someone that looked this innocent kidnapped me and tried to stab me while ripping my clothes. Wait my clothes. I looked down to see I was wearing some sort of pink dress, like the other one but shorter, way shorter. I started feeling the material and tugging on it a small bit when I felt the hand below me grow hot and sweaty. I had a theory where the clothes came from and how I changed into them, but I didn't want to believe it. I was kind of mad about it to be honest. I mean, I'm a person, not some doll he can just play dress up with whenever he wants, and he did it without letting me know or my permission. When he did lower me away from his crimson face I hopped off his hand and over his legs which were crossed on his bed. I landed safely on the blanket and began to make my way over to my house on the bedside table. I'm not letting him get away with treating me like some toy. I made it to the pillows and was about to climb up them, when a huge hand came out of nowhere and blocked my path.

" little princess? Are you alright? You left your poor boyfriend dumbfounded "

I span around and saw that Elias was, indeed, dumbfounded and his mouth hung open a bit. One of his hands were behind him as if he wanted to restrict himself from grabbing me, whereas the over was twitching mid air, turns out his friend was the brave one and didn't hesitate to stop me. I looked at this Damian person and locked eyes with him. There was something off about him. Firstly, his hair was white and he had ocean blue eyes. Secondly, he was totally different than In the room. I didn't trust him one bit.

" I'm fine. Move your hand, you're blocking the path "

" god someone's mad "

I was about to go around the hand but it curled around me in a way where it scooped me and I was suddenly infront of this guys face.

" come on, why won't you talk tiny? I just want to know some stuff " he said I'm a smug tone. I was tired and hot. I was sick of being treated like that.

" well what do you want to know then huh, what that I'm a human? Or that I was captured for five years and was about to be sold? Or how I'm now stuck here because not even my own family wants me? "

I basically yelled all of this at him, only stopping to catch my breath. I jumped off of his hand and landed on the bed, the fall wasn't high or hard, I landed an my knees so I barely felt anything. I did eventually make it to the pillow and scaled it in seconds. I jumped from the pillow to the bedside table with my house on it. This whole time they had both been watching me from afar, they both were quiet after my outburst.

I made it outside my house rather fast. They were still watching me, constantly exchanging looks throughout my short journey. I was about to go into my house and slam the door when I remembered something.


She's mad. And I mean really mad. Ever since she noticed the clothes she's been stomping around yelling a lot. Poor Damian, even though he deserves it, is the victim of most of these attacks. She made her way over back to her house and stood outside the porch. And as I was about to get back to my conversation with Damian about the plans for the journey tomorrow, she span around and yelled something and dug deeper Into my heart than any stake could.

" and no, he isn't my boyfriend and will never be my boyfriend, and I have no intent on staying here and marrying him, I would much rather die " she yelled this from her parch and slammed the door behind her.

I felt my heart pang and sat there in shock. Oh my god. I stood up and walked over to the house, she couldn't have meant that right? I peeked through the window to see she was pacing around and looked panicked. Why is she acting like this. Once she realised i was staring through her window at her she ran over to the window and closed the curtain before I could even react.

" damm Elias, you're screwed. "


I soon realised I fell asleep after my outburst, I made my way downstairs slowly as my room was on the second floor. I felt the effects of my slumber begin to wear off but they were still present. I opened the door to the porch and expected to see Elias and the other giant on the bed still, however, they were nowhere to be seen. Only then did I notice the time. It was probably time for them to eat food so they've gone downstairs. I made my way across his bed and cross over to the middle and lay down on the pillow.

I was breathing slowly. I was thinking about what I would do next when I heard a loud clang coming from my left. I felt my head whip around to see the source of the noise. I saw some kind of animal making the noise. I made my way down the bed sheets to reach the floor, I landed on the hard floor with a small thump due to the blanket cushioning my fall. I saw the black silhouette move around swiftly, it was much too fast to be anything normal. It was hiding under the bed. I slowly scooted over to the weird beast and was about to stick my hand out to touch it, it span around and clamped me in its jaw. I was stuck.

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