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I could feel my cheeks burning once she looked up at my face, god she was so pretty. I had basically just called her mine, was that obsessive or something? Anyways, she kinda just stared at me, not once did she say a word. Speaking of which, she hadn't spoke since she got here. I was about to ask her something about that when my younger sister Selene called me. I decided it would be good to develop some trust in eachother so I left her on my bed, yet again, and walked over to Selene.

Turns out she wanted a hug. Having two younger sisters is hard, especially as one is so young and the other acts like shes some careless teenager. Selene thinks she's ten for some reason, she's 15 already. When I was younger I called her a baby for some reason, probably something to do with me not understanding age, after all I thought my sweet iris was a baby as well. Along with the hug, Selene gave me and handful of doll clothes and shoes, she said something about her baby sister needing them. Now who is this sister I don't know about. I walked back over to my room which wasn't too far but I was busy admiring the dresses my sister had picked out for iris. I arrived in my room about a minute later to Iris being gone, very shocking at this point isn't it. I looked beneath my feet and under the bed but she wasn't there. Selene didn't take her, I was with her just now. That's when I heard a door slam. no. Not her room. What has she done now.


OK BEFORE YOU SAY WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS RUNNING AWAY, NO, THIS TIME I DIDNT DO IT I WAS TAKEN. Now, I was on the bed waiting for him to get back, now even if I won't admit this out loud, I like the way he held me in his hands and now felt cold without him. To try and make myself warm I climbed over the blanket creases and up the humungous pillow and lay down. After my tiresome climb, I tried to get some rest but I heard the door open. I assume it was him considering this is his room, but I heard his voice from a distance. So how would he open the door. That's when I heard a feminine voice fill the room. Only then did I realise my mistake. I was out in the open, on top of the pillow. I was basically luring them over.

" seriously, does he still play with dolls or something "

I felt the ground shaking rumbles come closer to me and the world was shrouded in shadows.

" now let's see, ah yes, porcelain skin, black silky hair, purple dress with pearls in it, did he really just make himself a doll of his imaginary girlfriend? god his life is sad"

I ascended at ungodly speeds upwards and stopped suddenly when I was infront of two scrutinising eyes looking directly at me without hesitation.

" he wouldnt miss a doll would he "

When those words made her way out of her mouth she just took me away from the bed and ran to some unknown location. FOR ONE GOD DAMN MINUTE CAN I PLEASE JUST STAY IN ONE PLACE AND NOT BE HARASSED BY THE ASGARDIAN FAMILY. She took me into a room with plants draped across the walls and some sort of failed experiments scattered across desks littered with paper and pens.

" ok so wheres that chemical at "


" so are you gonna talk or not? "

She looked in my direction when she said this. She was basically staring at me and nothing else. God this family is weird. I shook my head, I had no reason to talk to her or wanted to. I did however get a better look at her. She had some sort of short haircut, her hair was curly and her curls were relatively normal sized for a giant, she had streaks of white in her curls and wore circular glasses with some sort of medium length dress with stockings. The dress did have some stains on it and had some pearls on the shoulder. She looked exactly like Selene just different in a way, a much older way.

" let's see, I may need to see what type of giant you are, variants and stuff "

Oh god. She lifted me up in her hand like I was some type of doll and started to move my arms and legs like and examined each part of my body. I was flipped in all directions but had no idea what she was about to do and nothing could have prepared me either.

She still held me but she dropped some red liquid on my clothes. Before I could even react my clothes began to be eaten away the the red liquid. WHAT IN THE F
" first of all I need to see your body better, don't worry I see you were wearing one of my sisters doll dresses so I'll go get one once I'm done with my test "

" I don't supposed you're my brothers girl friend are you "

I shook my head as fast as i could. I had the urge to run off the desk and throw myself on the ground from such a distance. I was basically stark and I was being treated like I'm a lab-rat.

" I don't know how he expects that to work, you won't be able to see eachother let alone do anything"

She then was about to lift my arm once again until the door opened loudly shaking the whole room making me fall. I looked over to the door and saw it was him. He looked pissed off, like almost red pissed. He calmed down a bit when he saw his sister.

" number one Alexis, do not go in my room without my permission, number two do not take what is mine, once again, without permission, now where is she "

" no idea what you are talking about brother "

" you know what I'm talking about, don't play dumb "

" fine take your little girlfriend and leave "

" she's not my-"

His remark was cut short when she stepped away to the side and revealed me from behind her. I was listening in and failed at a chance to get anywhere to escape, let alone cover myself. I sat there stunned, my expression was mirrored on his face as well. He turned beet red and turnt to his sister with a certain rage in his eyes. He looked like he was about to destroy anything in his path.


Damn, he's so mad he's yelling in caps. Scary. He walked over to me, looking in every direction other than towards me. He turned so I could only see his side and stuck his hand out. EW I AM NOT TOUCHING HIS HAND WHILE I HAVE NOTHING BUT A SCRAP OF CLOTHING IN MY HAND. I backed away from the hand as slowly as I could. I have more of what's left of my clothes than trust for him , no way I'm trusting him. I trust a five year old much more than I would trust him. Before I could react, I felt a cold finger from the other hand prod into my back. I yelped and ran away from it, right into an expecting hand. I hate this place. His hand shifted under me and placed his hand over the other one to shield me and essentially cover me.

" never touch her again "

" trust me brother the way you're holding her now, you're touching her enough "

As that sassy remark left her mouth I felt his hand become hot and he moved it fast so I fell down and slammed into his hot palm. His hand jolted even more at that and I felt the heat increase under me. I didn't want to stay here, I just lay there, I had no power in this situation. He did large strides and almost left a trail of fire behind him from how fast he was going. I could see out of the spaces between his fingers that we were moving swiftly. He came to a stop outside of his room when for a split second I felt my self going up and the hand shifting. I'm probably just too tired to see straight . That's probably it.

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